The Dreams of Love by Jack Krumpe 

In the vast world of dreams stood two people 
Two minds inseparable, one ripple
Through meadows of dreams and never-ending jabber
Closest of friends they were, a friendship that was forever

The feelings they shared blossomed into love
There love formed as a beautiful dove
Seeing each other differently as a new experience
Feeling each other differently as a radiance

For one day shortly would be their last
As the summer came to be past
The love they had stretched thin
For neither could take another spin

An open sea yawned wide between their history
Loneliness and separation whispered like a decree
Stolen glances and attempts to get another back
Both would hurt one another before giving slack

The toxic tension would peril the two
Creating confusion and pain in their great debut
Realization that pain was better than being together hit
Proving that only apart would they be able to quit

Months blew by, like grains of sand in the dunes
Silent faults split between the ruin
The growing cut that always bleeds
Yet in their hearts and minds they plead

Seasons changed, as seasons always do
As both had to go on in life without the clue
But the pain persisted at a constant hue
In the vast world of dreams, a thread undone
Two souls cut at the undertone

Hope that another would come back to the other
Belief that a miracle could bring them back to what was leftover
A chance encounter, a turn in destiny
Rekindling the flame, desperately hungry

Even though their killing another like death
They needed one another at a great depth
To say you loved them all along as a constant thread
Was like a cut that always bled.