You Also Have an Accent! by Delphine Ngokattal

You Also Have an Accent! by Delphine Ngokattal

Delphine Ngokattal

You Also Have an Accent!

Hello! Can I talk to the hiring manager?
I do not understand you;
you have an accent!
Everyone has an accent!
Even nature teaches us.
Can the cow moo with the lion’s roar?
Can the elephant trumpet with horse’s whinny?
Can the dog bark with the cat’s meow?
No! Do not be square.
The East has an accent to the West,
and the North has an accent to the South.

What could be more wonderful than this diversity?
The different accents should
challenge each other,
banish all prejudices,
since the “I” is recognizable in the “you.”
Accept our differences.
They harmonize life;
they break monotony in our relationships,
so we will be more pleasant!

Bound is the mind which judges his neighbor on his accent.
In a multilingual world,
multi geographical city,
with multicolored people,
what could be more normal
than to have different accents?
Why try to break this wonderful reality?
Stop overestimating yourself;
you also have an accent!

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