Untitled: I Didn’t Have Purpose… by Stephanie Rossiter

Untitled: I Didn’t Have Purpose… by Stephanie Rossiter

Stephanie Rossiter

 Untitled: I didn’t have purpose…

I didn’t have purpose.

I was all alone

and empty inside.

A void needing filled,

and then I met                                     you.


At first I was quiet.

I didn’t want to mess up

and say the wrong thing,

because talking to you

was what I                              needed.


You listened,

no judgment,

you just cared.

About                                      me

and about how I felt.


We talked more and                more,

became comfortable.

That’s when it happened.

I realized that I

Was falling for you.


But our time was kept short.

Reality set in.

We went our separate ways.

I took it harder                                    than

most of my past goodbyes.


Because you understood me,

I didn’t have to explain it.

I told you I wished that                      I

had done something different.

You said I did what was best.


You encouraged me.

Gave me confidence

and motivation.

That’s what I                           needed,

and you knew all along.


I tried to let go,

didn’t want to be clingy.

I stopped texting first,

instead letting                                     you,

except that you stopped.


So I carried on

and hid all my doubts.

Slapped on a smile                  and

kept going on with

my life as normal.


My hope had died down.

I had given up.

And then it happened

and my phone went off.

Your text: “I miss                   you.”


The feelings came back.

I felt whole again.

Someone to vent to,

and I                                        realized

how much I missed you.

I wanted you so much

to be selfish with you,

to have you be mine,

talking for hours,

to tell you I love you               too.

But I distance myself,

let what we have fade,

because I am leaving

and it hurts too much

knowing you waited too         late.

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