The Dreams of the Last Men by Holly Day

The Dreams of the Last Men by Holly Day

There are people who lie awake at night

dreaming of how rich they’ll be

after an Armageddon, a world-wide plague

some global pandemic or war

in which their side wins.

These people dream of walking through the houses

of the wealthy dead, of pushing shopping carts

down the quiet hallways, filling bags

with priceless artifacts to take home

or simply moving their own meager belongings

into the waiting rooms of empty hospitals 

the entranceways of empty castles.

Somehow, they think, that through vigilant prayer, 

social isolation,

or random luck

they will be spared the ravages of disease

the falling bombs

the radioactive fallout

somehow, they’ll survive

and then we’ll be sorry.

Author Bio: Holly Day ( has been a writing instructor at the Loft Literary Center in Minneapolis since 2000. Her poetry has recently appeared in Asimov’s Science Fiction, Grain, and Harvard Review, and her newest full-length poetry collections are Into the Cracks (Golden Antelope Press), Cross Referencing a Book of Summer (Silver Bow Publishing), The Tooth is the Largest Organ in the Human Body (Anaphora Literary Press), and Book of Beasts (Weasel Press).

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