Tag: this-i-believe

This I Believe by Kaitlyne Neiser

This I Believe by Kaitlyne Neiser

Kaitlyne Neiser

This I Believe

I believe everyone is put on earth for a reason
I believe that it takes one good soul to show that there is still compassion in this world
I believe that God is very clever and indecisive about things
I believe crowd pleasers are not really pleased with themselves
I believe in “Do as I say, not as I do”
I believe in being random
I believe I have slight A.D. D.
I believe I am a hypochondriac
I believe in being sarcastic
I believe in being crude
I believe old people are hilarious
I believe we all need one good laugh a day
I believe Led Zeppelin is the greatest band of all time
I believe I could use a beer everyday
I believe Coke is better than Pepsi
I believe in crying whenever your heart is broken
I believe Mr. Right is M.I.A.
I believe a man defending his country should make more than a man defending a football
I believe a rich man is no better than a poor man
I believe no matter what there will always be that one person who can make your heart skip a beat
I believe in natural beauty
I believe yoga pants are the most comfortable thing I have ever worn
I used to believe in fairytales
I believe in what I believe