Primordial Elements by R.V. Priestly

It was a nearly two-hour grueling trek, but finally, I found an acceptable campsite. The night was falling rapidly, and of all the tasks I had to perform, making a fire was perhaps the most important. I dropped my gear and got right down to it. With the flashlight in one hand and the large hunting knife in the other, I did some quick chopping and stomping to reduce a few dead branches to a pile of firewood. Almost everything was damp, but I found enough dry wood to burn. There were plenty of twigs lying around for kindling. With those, I made a second pile. Pine needles, moss, and birch bark would have been great for tinder, but it was too dark to scout out these items. Fortunately, my backpack had a fire starter kit and a box of waterproof matches. I struck a match and said a prayer to the patron saint of campfires, hoping the damp wood would burn. The spark caught hold, and I leaned in close and blew into it. There was more smoke than fire at first, but soon, the tiny flame breathed on its own. Its survival was the most crucial thing in the world just then. I didn’t need to cook, but I needed the fire’s warmth, light, and protection from insects and wild animals. I fed more wood to the flames and sat back on my heels to admire my creation. When it was strong enough to sustain itself, I moved on to the next important thing: 

setting up camp. 

I spread the shell on the ground near the firepit and snapped the flexible rods together. After threading them through the fabric sleeves, I carefully bent them to create the loft and popped the ends into the grommets at the corners. I was in a rush, so I took a chance that there wouldn’t be much wind that night and didn’t bother to stake the tent down. I did, however, cover it with the fly. I couldn’t take a chance that it wouldn’t rain. When my humble abode was erect, I returned to tend to my precious fire. 

Darkness descended like a thick blanket over my tiny camp, completely isolating me from the rest of the world. Orange and gold flames curled around the logs in the pit, casting enough light to push back a bit of the night. Shadows swayed eerily around the camp’s perimeter, enhancing the mystery of the evening. Still, I breathed a profound sigh of relief for the first time that day. The race against the setting sun was over. I was where I needed to be, off the grid and out of reach. There wasn’t another person in the world who knew where to find me then; that was precisely how I wanted it. 

I sat on a stump beside the fire, removed the knee brace, and assessed the damage. Since the bumbling incident earlier that evening, when I stumbled and plowed face-first through a massive spiderweb, I was limping again. Sighing away my annoyance at the possible setback in recovery, I rubbed my hands together and began to massage the injured joint. While gazing into the fire, I reflected on what had been a most trying year. 

It began with the death of a dear friend, with whom I sat as she lost her battle with cancer. The following season, I caught and held another young woman who attempted to throw herself off a bridge. Those life-and-death encounters, happening in such succession, seemed to 

affect me in ways I had yet to come to terms with. Then, shortly after that came my own brutal fight for survival against a group of thugs for some stupid gang initiation, as was explained by the district attorney afterward. The confluence of these seemingly unrelated events had me contemplating those existential questions for which there were no easy answers. “Who am I? Why am I here? What should I do with the time I have left?” 

As the tensions of the day and city life drifted away, inevitably, my thoughts turned to Taz. The two of us had become very close. I recalled our last conversation with a pang of guilt. I tried to explain why I needed to make the excursion. She quickly pointed out all the potential dangers. 

“No one will be able to reach you,” she argued. “Did you consider that your family and friends will be worried sick about you?” She debated this and several other valid points, not too subtly implying that my personal needs might be selfish in this light. Her argument did not fall on deaf ears, though. I had already considered these and agreed. That’s why I’d omitted a few details, like the fact that I would be fasting the entire time. As for Taz’s argument, I understood the truth behind her words. She had a sense of adventure rivaling my own and didn’t like being left behind. After all, since we’d met, we had been rock climbing, sport cycling, mountain biking, hiking, and camping together. That competitive spirit was what I loved most about her. 

A rustling sound caught my attention, and I turned to see an eddy of leaves swirl into the firelight and out again. Flames fluttered, and something howled in the distance, sending a cold shiver along my spine. Suddenly thinking I needed a more robust fire, I scooped up the rest of the chopped wood and placed it in the pit. A pot of water with herbs that sat near the fire began to simmer. That blend of chicory, licorice, and bancha twig tea was supposed to curb hunger. I’d read that somewhere. I called the concoction “The Brew.” 

While the tea steeped, I went to my pile of gear to retrieve the one companion I did bring along. The zippered bag was roughly the size and shape of a rifle case. It contained no weapon of destruction, though. Knowing there was bound to be a lonely moment or two, I’d brought my backpacker’s guitar along to keep me company when the silence became too loud. I called it Onyx because of its black lacquered finish. After a quick tune of the strings, my guitar and I began to get reacquainted. Strumming softly and sipping warm Brew, I sat beside the flames until they burned to glowing embers. Eventually, weariness took hold, and my hands stopped moving of their own accord. Before I called it a night, I placed my feet firmly on the earth between the roots of that twisted stump. I closed my eyes and grounded myself in the tangible reality of the material plane. The night was still and peaceful, and I breathed it in. 

When the embers cooled, I rose to my feet. With Onyx in tow, I crossed the clearing to the tent. I was almost there when I felt a tingle at the nape of my neck. I whirled around suddenly to peer into the trees. Although my eyes could not penetrate the darkness, I knew something was watching from the depths of those shadows. 

Roderick Priestly is a martial arts teacher and owns a fitness studio in
New York City. He writes a fitness blog, “My Studio In The Heights.”
Once a year, he travels into the mountains on a solo sojourn for
inspiration and insight. He has worked as a professional
singer/songwriter/performer, studio owner/manager, private personal
trainer, and master trainer at New York sports clubs. He attended The
Ohio State University for music, The Fashion Institute of Technology for
computer design, writing workshops at Manhattanville College, and
writing groups. His work is forthcoming in Freshwater Literary Journal,
Perceptions Magazine, SLAB, and Umbrella Factory Magazine. He writes
using the pen name R.V. Priestly.

Stroke by Jennifer Maloney

If you wake up next to me and cannot move, I will not eat you. I have taken every tender piece of you into my mouth to taste, and yea, Lord, it is good, but I have promised myself not to bite. I will only place my tongue in your ear and listen. 

A ghost might creep into your body as you lay in our bed, immobile. I will know it’s a ghost when my tongue hears it speaking in your head—it animates you: suddenly you talk and walk again, and I wonder—should I call a priest? A shaman, a wise woman, someone to exorcise you, evict the thing living underneath your skin—until I decide I like him, your ghost. His jokes, his smile, the sweet way he holds my hand in the street. I like him better than I ever liked you. 

Maybe he’s not a ghost. Maybe he’s an angel. Maybe he will sprout three more faces: a lion, an ox, and an eagle. When that happens, I will pull a feather from his wings and make a wish, and every candle in the house will blow out like a birthday party. 

He could be a pirate, a privateer, who has boarded your body like a boat, those candles attached to his hat like Blackbeard, sporting an earring and one untameable eye. Like a knife, he clenches me between his teeth, and I attach my mouth to his like the tentacle of some creature of the deep, but I don’t eat him. I keep my promises. 

Pirate and sea monster, ghost and cannibal, we suck and sway upon the sand. When, finally, he slips from your skin, shows me his face—divine and terrible!—we shall dance into the ocean, my beautiful friend and I. What’s left behind? A tongue, shriveling in a shell? Puppet strings of gristle, bones foundering in shallows—not you. Not you, my silent love. Just leavings on a plate—the things I swore I’d never swallow. 

A writer of fiction and poetry, Jennifer Maloney is a disabled woman living with chronic illness. Find her work in Litro Magazine, Literally Stories, The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, Neologism Poetry Journal and many other places. Jennifer is the co-editor of the poetry anthology Moving Images: Poetry Inspired by Film (Before Your Quiet Eyes Publishing, 2021) and the author of Evidence of Fire, Poems & Stories (Clare Songbirds Publishing, 2023) and Don’t Let God Know You are Singings (Before Your Quiet Eyes Publishing, 2024). Jennifer is also a parent, a partner, and a very lucky friend, and she is grateful, every day, for all of it.

The Waterfall by Charles Sullivan

I am not a pessimist: I am a realist!
--Charles Sullivan

If you want me again, look for me under your boot soles.
You will hardly know who I am or what I mean,
But I shall be good help to you nevertheless
And filter and fiber your blood.
Failing to fetch me at first keep encouraged,
Missing me one place search another,
I stop somewhere waiting for you.

--From Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass

I am astonished by how tiny and thin my legs are! They resemble pencils! I’ve lost significant muscle mass from my legs, and I need to do something about it, to the extent that I can. The name for this phenomenon is Sarcopenia. Old people lose about seven percent of their muscle mass each decade, and the process accelerates the longer one lives. I call it slipping away.

How does one explain what it is like being old to a younger person? First, being old must be distinguished from getting old. Clearly I am already there and there is no point denying it. My body is changing, and with it so too is my perspective. Alopecia has claimed my hair. All of it. It feels like the process of aging is accelerating. To my astonishment, the difference between being 68 and 70 seems quite significant, an unbridgeable chasm, from where I am now.

The bright side is that you can belch, fart, shit your pants, piss your pants and vomit, choke to death on a peanut, and fall down and no one notices or cares. These behaviors are attributed to being old. They are expected in this culture of the self.

You can buy diapers for old people at any drug store or Walmart. But most old people wouldn’t be caught dead in them. Who wants to shuffle along with a load of excrement in their shorts, smelling like a litter pan that hasn’t been changed for a month in a house full of cats? Leave us a shred of dignity for Christ sake!

This old body of mine is like an abandoned house that is no longer kept in good repair. It is only a matter of time before the roof leaks and hastens the interior’s depreciation, its demise and final collapse, a pile of rubble that no longer resembles what it was. Disorganization. Chaos. Decomposition.

I hardly recognize myself these days. I’ve never been this old before. It is all so unfamiliar, as if it were happening to someone else, and I am somehow standing partially outside of my body, observing the spectacle, simultaneously being observer and the object observed. Departing consciousness, mirages shimmering in the desert of selfness.

Without fear, I find little comfort in knowing that it is only going to get worse, if I live long enough. Perhaps that is why old people often look so grim and serious, but I do still enjoy being alive. I continue to laugh and smile and challenge myself. I still enjoy and savor the company of the people I care about. I can still walk long distances on mountain trails. I intend to savor the time I have left, whatever experience it brings.

Being old feels like I am observing myself, like an actor on a stage, as both the actor and a member of the audience. What an odd sensation this split vision, as if I were standing ever so slightly outside of this bag of flesh I call my body. The notion of selfness, of having a separate identity from my surroundings, feels like an illusion to me.

It is sobering to know that I’ll never be this young again. I am on the way out, and I must accept that. There is nothing I can do to turn back the hands of time. No point in resisting or struggling against the inevitable. Go with the flow. Do we really have any other choice? Raise your sail and use the wind to your advantage.

Approaching the end of life is equivalent to entering the wildest wild that can be conjured by the human imagination. Adventure awaits at the terminus. My Rubicon beckons, and, dear reader, so does yours. You are only more distant from it than I am from mine, but rest assured that it is waiting for you.

My senses are changing; they are more blunted and dulled each passing year. Every perception feels more surreal, less connected to what we call reality. What is reality anyway? Every waking moment feels less real and more dream-like. The delineation between dream and reality is blurred with age. I am leaving the realm of substance bit by bit, particle by particle and entering a more ethereal state of being. The space between the particles is increasing and the particles are fewer in number.

I remind myself that, according to modern physics, matter cannot be destroyed; it changes form. That is what is happening to me.

Every moment, consciousness is waning, and I am at once slipping away into nothingness and everything. I feel diluted. I am aware that I am dissolving into the background, unnoticed by anyone. Less of what is known as “me” remans in this form. Where have the missing parts of me gone? I surmise that my skinny ass was absorbed by my protruding man boobs. Be careful. You could poke your eye out if you get too close. Am I still me? Am I still here? And where is here? Are time and space even real?

The aching in my arthritic knees will worsen, making it more challenging to remain ambulatory. Parts are wearing out. My mind is slower and more addled than it was last year. My vision is deteriorating. I don’t hear as well as I used to. I am shrinking and bending like a bow, losing grace, speed and agility, but still moving.

My wife has an artificial hip and knee, like replacing a worn tie rod on a car. I am somewhere between uncomfortable and fascinated to see how this ends. The unknown always affects us that way. Being old takes getting used to. Acceptance of reality. I am acutely aware that my existence is embedded in cycles, and now the trajectory is leading downward. Perihelion inevitably leads to aphelion in the elongated orbits of birth and death, being and non-being, consciousness and unconsciousness.

How does one wrap his brain around all of this? I see my two sisters, both of them a few years older than me, on a similar trajectory. My wife is eight years my senior. I have friends older than me by a decade or more. Every year they are fewer in number. All of us are approaching the waterfall. We hear its roar and feel the cold spray on our faces. Apparitions of quavering rainbows appear through the spray, dispersed sunlight seen through the prisms of water vapor.

We ponder what it will it be like when we go over the edge and become one again with the river. Does our journey end there? Does life even have a clearly defined beginning and end? The river continues its passage to the sea beyond the waterfall, just as it did before reaching the fall. Water vapor circumnavigates the biosphere and falls as rain elsewhere. Have we ever truly been separated from the river? I doubt it.

Cycles are operating within cycles. Birth, death, and rebirth? I cannot pretend to know, because I cannot define where “I” end, and where my surroundings begin. Everything we think we know is shrouded in mystery. Every wave has a trough. Every peak a valley. Matter is embedded in a
matrix of what we call empty space. River and waterfall. You and me. Us. Everyone. Everything. Nothing.

Light requires darkness and darkness light. Each reveals the other. It’s all the same.

Charles Sullivan was born and raised in Hagerstown, MD. He currently resides in Morgan County, WV where he has lived for over thirty years.He has thru-hiked the Appalachian Trail from Georgia to Maine, the John Muir Trail in the Eastern Sierra Mountains of California and other foot trails. At the age of seventy, he remains an avid backpacker. Charles is also a natural philosopher and a freelance writer.

Coming of Age by Doug M. Dawson

“I appreciate you giving me your story. Spell your name out, will you?”

“J-A-S-O-N … M-E-V-E-R-S. But this isn’t my …”

“I know, it’s a hacker you know. You told me that on the phone. Of course, you’re a hacker too, right – that’s how you know him.”

“If I am, I’m nothing like him. When will they run the story?”

“Next week some time.”

“That’s cool. Lemme just say one thing here …”

“Here goes, I’m turning on the tape recorder – now go!”

“Okay … like this guy I know … was always bright as a kid – school was a breeze. He, ah … spent all his time on computers; you know, it was easy for him. He like … taught himself how to program, built his own PC. Over time he … learned how to hack into other computers over the Internet. I … ah, think he caused some havoc. He read about viruses … saw what they did … studied them and all … learned how to write his own.”

“Why did he become a hacker in the first place?”

“Gives you power … hacking does – You feel like God.”

“That’s an interesting comparison – he told you that?”

“Yeah, he told me.”

“And writing viruses gives you power, like hacking?”

“Even more … they can’t come after you because they, like, don’t know who you are. “

“Who’s ‘they’?”

“People you send the viruses to. He, ah … picked on the most popular kids: the ‘in crowd’ – he couldn’t stand ’em.”

“Why not?”

“They’re in and you’re out. They treat you like you don’t exist.”

“Anybody else this guy didn’t like?”

“Jocks. It’s like a fraternity: they hang together. They push you around. If you fight back, they come after you with their friends. I …”

“Okay, jocks were his enemy. Did they bother your friend?”

“Hazing – they pushed him around in the hallway and after school.”

“That’s all they did to him?”

“Yeah, and he was jealous, I guess – of guys with the prettiest girls. He was pissed off at the girls, too. I mean, they, like ignored him.”

“So that’s why he became a hacker – to pay back the jocks, the popular kids and the pretty girls?”

“You’re making it sound like …”

“Like he had an attitude, like he was maladjusted?”

“Well, he had … for the girls he had this ‘Butterfly’ virus – picture of a butterfly that pops up and goes away. It looks like those Internet windows that come up, like where they try to sell you something. The virus deleted key files that made the computer unusable … ’till they’re reinstalled. Usually takes people a day or two to realize what’s wrong and fix it, and then only if they really know computers. His favorite trick was sending viruses in an e-mail attachment the day before mid-terms and finals. That way the girls couldn’t use their computers to do reports and shit.”

“Your friend sounds like a vicious little brute.”

“Heh, heh … something like that.”

“So, what other tricks did he have up his sleeve?”

“A virus for jocks. It showed a picture of like an athletic supporter. It said ‘This Is You!’ on it. The picture appeared on and off. While the guy tries to figure out what’s going on, the virus reformats his hard drive. He, ah … loses everything.”

“Nice. You’re grinning. I guess you can appreciate that one, being a hacker and all.”

“Like I said, that was him, not me.”

“Wasn’t it a little dangerous? Didn’t the other kids know who the computer geeks were and guess who was doing it to them?”

“A couple of the guys suspected him. They punched him around a little after school, but they couldn’t prove anything.”

“Didn’t the teachers and principal get wind of it, not to mention the parents?”

“There was a stink; the newspapers ran a story. The school shrink made a speech in the auditorium and came around to the classrooms.”

“But he couldn’t talk this guy into giving himself up, could he?”

“As if.”

“Then what happened?”

“That Columbine thing.”

“Right – Columbine High School. How did he feel about that?”

“He rooted for the shooters.”

“And he told you that?”

“Well … it’s like … I know him real well.”

“Ok, so he hacked his way through high school, this guy. Then what?”

“He majored in computer science at NYU … graduated in three years – I think that’s a record.”

“Went right on hacking the whole time?”

“Yeah … it was like his ego took over. He couldn’t let go of it … the power it gives you. He wanted to write the most powerful virus ever. He broke into some big company’s computer.”

“A big … what company?”

“Can’t tell you that. He just wanted to see if he could do it.”

“O … kay. … Anything else he did?”

“Well, he stopped.”

“Stopped hacking?”


“Just like that? … Why?”

“It was like two things. He … like did some damage to that company’s records.”


“And some people got fired … they worked on the computer system and nobody could tell who did it, so they fired three of ’em.”

“Did you know any of them?”

“Yeah, he was a friend. He wasn’t supposed to get hurt. He’s having a hard time finding another job. He may, like lose his apartment and … I ….”

“I see. So, what was the other thing that happened to your friend to make him stop?”

“September 11.”

“Yes, very terrible day. But why did that make him stop hacking?”

“He felt like he was a … a terrorist too.”

“By destroying information, you mean?”

“Yeah, that’s right. He was depressed … he, like couldn’t sleep.”

“You haven’t hacked once, since September 11?”

“No, I … he hasn’t done anything … hey, you said ‘you’ … it wasn’t me …”

“Mr. Mevers, you know things I don’t think anyone would tell you. It would be too risky.”

“Look, now … I …”

“I could be from the F.B.I. – I could arrest you.”

“Now wait. I tried to give you a story … in good faith.”

“In good faith? Is that how you used computers, in good faith?”

“You … wouldn’t turn me in. Not after I gave you my, I mean his, story.”

“Hey, this is journalism … the public has a right to know. By the way, how old are you?”

“Twenty-three. What’s it to you?”

“Just trying to make my article complete.”

“I gave you my name … you could ruin my whole …”

“Don’t worry, I won’t turn you over to the cops – I can’t prove anything. But you didn’t fool me for a minute. This article will be written just like this interview – coming straight from the horse’s mouth.”

“Where is it like going to appear? It’s like in a school paper, right?”

“I write for the New York Times.”

“Th … you look the same age as me … I thought you said …”

“I just said ‘paper’ on the phone. I didn’t say which one, and I’m twenty-six. I know I look young, but I’ve been writing for the Times for a year and a half.”

“If you use my name … makes you feel powerful, doesn’t it? To be able to write about people, ruin them if you want. Nobody can do anything to you.”

“Sound familiar, does it?”

Doug Dawson has written for the U.S. Defense Department, for car mags and for Hollywood trade magazines (“Vette Vues,” “Corvette Enthusiast,” “Corvette” magazine, “The Big Reel,” etc.) and has had short stories published by Academy of the Heart & Mind, Ariel Chart, Aphelion Webzine, Literary Yard, Scars Publications, The Scarlet Leaf Review, HellBound Books, LLC (story “The Poetess” was published in anthology “The Devil’s Doorknob 2”), Potato Soup Journal (story “Believe” was published in their anthology “Potato Soup Journal – Best of 2022”), Goats Milk and others. Dawson’s non-fiction book “Route 66 – the TV Series, the Highway and the Corvette” is due to be published by BearManor Media in 2024.

    World Tree by Kevin Hoover

    Kevin Hoover

    World Tree



    The boy watched as Grandfather stoked the fire-pit dreamily, his old age and wisdom a wonder among men. He knew the wrinkled man was calling deep upon memory, preparing one of his many stories for telling. The boy waited impatiently, letting his gaze drift behind Grandfather, back and back, past the plains of cherried-wheat, beyond grey hills and shadowed ranges of snow-capped mountains. There imposing upon the pink dusk of the sky and leagues higher than the other mountaintops, rose the Great Mountain. The single, conical behemoth, though faded by distance, filled the majestic vista of the boy’s world, and his eyes went captive to it. The mountain’s colossal heights were veiled in eternal clouds, forever hidden. What the summit must look like, the boy could only wonder. None had ever known.

    “Your face is fixed upon Ceivva, I see…” whispered Grandfather. “As it has always been, by all men.”

    The boy continued to stare at the mountain. “Isn’t it beautiful, Grandfather?”

    “That it is, child. That it is…” the old man’s voice sang softly, like hushed secrets. “And what would you ask it, boy, if it could answer you?” He continued to poke at the embers under the fire.

    “What lies beyond the clouds, at its peak…”

    And here a hint of a smile turned the corner of the old man’s lips. “Ahh,” returned Grandfather. “Then I shall tell you, for the mountain cannot.”

    The boy looked to his Grandfather with astonishment. “You know?”

    “I do at that, for despite what folk now say, men of ages past-many, many great ages past and nigh-forgotten, came down from its heights. They were our ancestors.”

    “Tell me! Is it true Grandfather?” The boy sat across from him, eyes wide with the magic of possibility, the crackling fire spitting between them, and the Great Mountain beyond.

    “Indeed,” said Grandfather, “And remember this most of all, boy. They were not so unlike us!” and his voice bespoke the truth of it. “It has been said that Ceivva has no summit, at least, not one that can be reached. But this is only partially true. It is also believed that the Great Mountain is our connection to the heavens. Do you know what ‘Ceivva’ means?  Hmm?”

    The boy found it curious to think on the question, and realized that he did not.

    Grandfather continued, and he carried his story in wisped, reverent tones…

    * * *

    …Though it is a mountain, ‘Ceivva’ means ‘World Tree.’ It has always carried this name, in our ancient times and in the times before time. As it is with you, boy, the first people of this world cast their adorning gaze upon the Great Mountain, and were captivated by its mysteries. Soon our every ancestor set their desires upon learning the secrets of Ceivva. It became their sole purpose—and a curse.

    Every advancement, every progression, every momentous step of ancient man’s evolution through history, every lunge toward civilization was centered upon the Great Mountain. The fathers and mothers of our arcane heritage became obsessed by reaching its summit. Every piece of history now lost to us, good and bad, played out with that common goal in mind. Wars broke out among the fractured tribes as they claimed the vast slopes of the mountain as their own; still they climbed higher. Dangerous expeditions into its freezing heights were waged, all for the honor of being first to reach the top. Men and women died by the thousands along its unforgiving faces. Still, they looked upward toward Ceivva’s elusive summit.

    Soon, delayed by the mountain’s unyielding rigors, attentions among men went to the design and building of many great and wondrous things, inventions beyond our understanding today. They used these creations at first to keep each other from scaling higher than themselves. But they soon found they could master the skies with their intellect, and were free to roam the winds like great birds.

    Eventually, aided by the power of flight, they reached the very top of the mountain. What was found there was a curious thing, as enigmatic as the mountain itself. Upon the summit, a great tree grew forth, leagues upon leagues in circumference. Here then, was some truth to the Great Mountain’s name, Ceivva- The World Tree. How this coincidence might have occurred baffled our ancestors, but it brought forth, for a time, an era of peace and unison among them, for surely there was some divine work now in play. There was little doubt they were fated to reach the summit, and to ascend the Great Tree toward the heavens.

    And so, with wheated-plains, lush forests, and grey hills of their origins long behind them, these first people pushed ever upward, seeking out their destiny. The air grew thin, and thin, and thinner still. Nevertheless, they continued to launch daring campaigns of exploration, climbing up the gargantuan surface of Ceivva, for they had surpassed the heights whose winds afforded them the gift of flight. Such heights had these people reach that the invisible force that holds us tight to the bosom of the world was less and less, until the only force still upon them held them to the tree itself. Looking back now, they saw the world for what it was and what it had always been—a perfect sphere. They began to think of Ceivva not as ‘ascending’ atop the world, but rather as ‘growing outward’ from it, reaching into the expanses of the starry beyond.

    And here there was a great split among the first people, for so strange and foreign was this existence that many gave up their eons-birthright, letting go the quest to seek Ceivva’s ultimate end. Those many ancestors turned around, wanting the memories of the past, which told stories of fertile lands, rivers and forests, and fields of red-amber wheat, of kingdoms of animals now long forgotten. And so they returned to the firm stretches of the soiled world, and became  known as ‘The Grounded.’  Yet, many more committed themselves to their lust for discovery. They chose to continue venturing outward along Ceivva, always wondering at its extent what lies but a little farther, and so they became known as ‘The Seekers.’  They believed, in all their hearts, the legends that Ceivva would one day link them directly to the Divine.

    The path of The Seekers was at first difficult, bereft of the fruits and substances afforded to The Grounded, but Ceivva’s skin yielded the way onward. Soon, her bark of vast valleys and dense foliage became ecosystems unto themselves. Through great toil and a plentiful life provided by this newfound paradise, the achievements of The Seekers eventually surpassed anything The Grounded had hoped to reach. Finally, The Seekers had mastered the flight of the heavens themselves, thus the meter to which their exploration along World Tree progressed had increased a hundred fold, and colonies by countless dozens sprung up ever outward.

    The connections and conversing between The Seekers and The Grounded became less frequent and less still. That dialogue, which did reach The Seekers, spoke tales of hunger and strife among their old brethren. The sprawling eras of time bestowed upon The Grounded alternated between curses of disease, war, and famine. Word came of the desperate pleas for aid by The Grounded, begging The Seekers to share their good fortune with them. But The Seekers thought on their ancient kin as an arrogant, backward and foolish people. Sadly, they turned their backs on them, and looked instead toward the ends of Ceivva.

    Resolved in leaving the ill fortunes of their cousins behind them, they advanced their designs of an idyllic life yet farther along Ceivva’s incalculable reaches. And idyllic their life was, for eons it would seem. They lived out their lives, each generation, like gods. But despite all this blessing, and all their relentless exploration, they lacked the one thing, which had always eluded them. Outward again, and again, and again, desperately trying to fill their need to know, to fathom where Ceivva might lead them, but she was unwilling to yield this to the minds of men, for men they still were, and soon paradise became a fleeting thing. They had progressed so far away from the world, and here along the infinite regions of World Tree, she began to bare fewer and fewer bountiful areas. The Seekers would push past an immense expanse of deadness, only to reach a quaint vale of struggling life; past countless leagues of inhospitable tree-land, only to find a pitiful spattering of near-dead life.

    Whole colonies were lost to these dying regions. Likewise, the once fruitful settlements, which had come before them, were also in loss of their providence. A slow, withering impotence began to overtake the surface of the Great Tree, and the loss of life among The Seekers became an aberration of horrors.

    Eventually, at such peril were The Seekers in, they made the unthinkable decision to turn back. So back they went, and back and back, clamoring down Ceivva’s colossal trunk, hoping to gain the firmament of the once-forgotten world beneath their feet before the last of them died out. They would rejoin their kin, and trade with them their secrets of knowledge in exchange for home and sustenance.

    Finally, with so very few of them left, they reached again the land of their distant origins. Now, descending the slopes of the Great Mountain and passing through the barrier of constant clouds, they looked down upon the world, and what they saw caused a great sadness among them. Our ancient ancestors saw, at long last, the sums of their past. Or, perhaps, it was the future they glimpsed, and the sight of it nearly stole away their will to live… 

    * * *

    And here, Grandfather’s eyes glazed over, the light of the fire danced across his face, and a few stray tears went unchecked down his leathered cheeks.

    “What did they see?” asked the boy. Grandfather sat, stalwart among his thoughts, his gaze lost upon the flames between them. He said nothing. For a long while, it seemed, the boy waited for more, but curiosity and impatience won out. He went around to the other side of the fire-pit, knelt before his Grandfather, and reached for his hand. “Grandfather, is that it?  Is that the end of the story?”

    The old storyteller blinked through his tears, as if coming out of a long sleep, and turned to look at his grandson. Trapped in his thoughts, he realized the boy had asked him a question. His eyes asked the boy to repeat it.

    “Is that the end of the story?”

    Grandfather shook his head slowly. “Oh no…  Not the end,” he managed at barely a whisper. “Not the end at all.”

    “Well, what did they see, beneath the clouds?” the boy asked.

    Grandfather moved a hand up to rest it on the boy’s shoulder, and caught his eyes with his own. “The land was neglected. No—not neglected… Devastated! The land was devastated! The Seekers knew, without ever having seen the world for themselves that what lie before them was a vile, horrid rape and mutilation of the land. Hardly a tree remained standing upon the scorched surface. The fabled plains of cherried-wheat were gone. The grey hills were black and ravaged. The snow-capped mountains had lost their snow, standing bare like solemn witnesses. It was an unnatural plight, and they understood then that the wars and desperation of their once-brethren people had brought the soils of the world to the brink of death, and so too had caused the dying of Ceivva.

    “But the great sadness and burden that our ancient ancestors, The Seekers, would forever onward carry with them is their part in it—their share of the blame, for they too caused the death of Ceivva. And their kin. And nearly the whole of the world. They who thought themselves like gods, and turned their back on The Grounded, leaving them to work with what was now seen before them.”

    The boy and Grandfather remained silent for a time, locked in their thoughts and buried in their emotions.

    Finally the boy spoke, “What did they do, The Seekers?”

    Grandfather blinked back his slow, impending tears. “From thence… thence came a time of great struggle, and great hardship, when our ancient ancestors were forced to turn all their attentions to the re-nurturing of the world—to rekindle what had once been forgotten.” 

    The boy looked on the landscape around them. His gaze pierced the evening shadows, swept across the hills and the wheat swaying slowly in the wind.

    “Yes,” continued the old man. “After a time, a long time, they succeeded. In doing so, they lost much of the knowledge they had once gained, but they succeeded.

    “Now it is time to return home I think, and to bed. I am growing very tired.”  Grandfather stood up, slowly, as old age would permit him, and began to make his way from the fire-pit, Ceivva fading in the twilight behind him.

    The boy took one last glance at the snow-capped mountain ranges, and The Great Mountain rising above them all, then turned to help his Grandfather.

    The old man yawned, then spoke again, as if in afterthought to all he’d said tonight. “Tomorrow, boy… tomorrow, you will tell me the story I have told you today.”

    Trolls Are Hot by Chris George

    Chris George

    Trolls Are Hot

    I knew he was the one the moment I laid eyes on him. I loved his silky hair, his chiseled abs, his big, soulful eyes, and his velvet toned voice. He sat alone at the lunch table across from me in school. I just had to talk to him.

    “Hi!” I said.

    “Hey,” he replied.

    “My name’s Megan, and…and…ohmigosh I think you’re really cute.”

    “Oh. My name’s Alvin. Alvin E’hoar.”

    “I like your name! Is it Irish?”

    “No, it’s Troll.”

    I just couldn’t believe what this dreamboat was saying. “Troll?”

    “Yes, I’m a troll. My whole family is.”

    “You are not! You’re so silly Alvin!” I giggled at him and left.

    “I’m being serious!” Alvin told me as I left.

    Later that day, as I was walking home from school, I noticed something strange. Under the interstate overpass I go by every day, I saw furniture. Brand new sofas, a flat screen TV, bureaus, a dining table, beds, even a bathtub. It looked like a house, except everything happened to be outside. As I approached this curious place, I saw You-Know-Who again.

    “Megan, is it? I told you I wasn’t lying. This is where my family lives.”

    “Alvin, my boy, who’s your friend?” his father asked. “Come over here and introduce her to me. We’re just about to sit down for dinner.”

    Alvin took me over to his parents and they graciously invited me for dinner.

    “What’s your name, child?”

    “Megan,” I replied.

    “What a lovely name. I’m Gordon. I know, it’s hard to believe that we’re Trolls, but we’ve always looked just like humans. It’s just that your kind has always portrayed us as ugly in their stories. We’re decent folk, really.”

    “Our family used to live under the bridge on Old Route 94,” explained Alvin.

    “You mean the bridge over Little Hampton Creek?” I inquired.

    “Yep,” chimed Gordon, “we used to charge toll for going over that bridge. That’s how we made a living. But when the interstate was built, people stopped driving on that road. So we moved here and tried to do the same thing. Lemme tell ya, it just ain’t the same. Trying to collect toll from people going 70 miles an hour is a mite bit tough unless you’re the Transportation Department.”

    “So what do you do for a living now?”

    “I work as a freelance web designer. No one suspects a thing, since Trolls look just like humans. There are certain habits I need to remember to keep in check, but I’m getting ahead of myself now.”

    “That’s funny, because on the Internet, there are people called ‘trolls’ who post on websites to make people angry. Do you ever have to deal with them?”

    “Only when I work for high profile clients. Occasionally I’ll do some work for the government, and a few hooligans will crash the site just as soon as I have it up. I really wish people would stop calling them ‘trolls’. It defames our people. But such is the state of affairs between us and humans.”

    “Mr. E’hoar-“

    “Please, call me Gordy.”

    “Thanks, but, it’s getting late. My parents don’t know where I am and are probably worried by now. It was nice talking and eating with you, though.”

    “Oh, no trouble, Missy. Here, take this,” Gordon handed me a book about Troll culture. “This has everything you’d ever care to know about trolls. And if you have any other questions, just drop me a line. Okay?”


    I gave them a smile and started back home, but not before winking to Alvin. He just stammered at me. How cute.

    That night, I read the book Alvin’s dad gave to me. It was the most engrossing thing I’ve ever read. All aspects of the Trolls were laid bare to me. Did you know that a Troll’s skin hardens in sunlight? They don’t even need sunscreen! That’s so hot. And there’s a reason why they collect tolls. The coins are like status symbols. The more coins, and the shiner the coins, mean the higher the status for the family. I wonder how many coins Alvin’s family has?

    The next day at school, Chelsea, the resident mean girl, came up to me.

    “Hey, I heard you went out with that Alvin kid,” she said while chewing gum. “That guy is mine. You’re too much of a dork for him!”

    “Hey, shut up!” I shouted. “I did not go out with him! We aren’t ready for that yet.”

    “Oh! Did you hear, girls? Megan’s ‘not ready for dating’! Oh, how precious!” Chelsea said maliciously. She and her posse began jeering.

    It was then that Alvin walked by.

    “Hey Megan,” he said in his customary aloof manner. “I really appreciate you coming to visit me yesterday. Are you friends with Chelsea?”

    “As if!” I said.

    “Hey Ally boy, why hang out with this loser. Come with me, I’ll show you a good time!”

    “No thanks, Chelsea.”

    “What did you say?”

    “I don’t want to date anyone right now. What’s important is that I graduate from here so I can start providing for my family.”

    My heart sank a little when I heard that. But I was confident I could change his mind. Chelsea, on the other hand….

    “Fine! You’re such a slut anyway! Who needs you! Come on girls, let’s get outta here.”

    And with that, she left.

    “Did I hear you right, Alvin? You don’t want to date me?” I asked, my voice quivering ever so slightly.

    “It’s not that I don’t want to date you specifically. It’s just that one day my Dad will no longer be able to care for himself, and he’ll need someone to look after him. If he went to a nursing home, they’d realize he’s a Troll sooner or later. There’s no telling what would happen then. So I need to study hard so I can get scholarships and earn enough to support him. Maybe one day, if I’m ever famous, I can show people Trolls aren’t bad at all. But that’s way in the future. I must keep my eyes ahead while focusing on now. Do you get it?”

    “I think so…”

    “You seem like a very nice girl. Maybe someday, something will happen between us. But for now, I’m happy just being friends with you.”

    “Yeah, thanks for being a friend.”

    “You’re welcome.”

    Alvin then winked at me and left. I spent the rest of the day thinking about Alvin, how even if he is famous one day, we’ll still be friends. I dearly hope he keeps that promise. He’s too sexy for me to lose.

    Tolkien’s Fever by John Little

    John Little


    Tolkien’s Fever


    A legion of days has marched past me thus far in this war. I have counted every day, with baited breath, hoping that one among the thousands would end my entrenchment in these murky, blood-filled pools. Unlike some of my fellows, I do not harbor any hatred towards the boys across the way, the Germans, for they suffer as we do. Those in control are dastardly creatures for sure, and deserve no less than a bullet to the brain or a bayonet to the heart, but I do sympathize with the men. The simple men who would rather plow their land and tend to their families than be bunkered down with the vermin and the parasites. Those are the things we share the most, a fondness for our homes and revulsion towards these filthy creatures. The rats seem large enough to give a terrier a good fight, that is, if one assumes a rat would fight fair. No, the rats are easy enough really, dreadfully afraid of noise and have at least some sense of self preservation. No, the real demons are the lice. I have not had the misfortune of dealing with the blood sucking beasts for more than the time it takes me to brush them away. Some men however have extoled the horrors at dealing with lice, and have even fallen ill to their incessant march on human flesh.

     The battle went well last night. A German dugout was captured and a few men, myself included, are being sent to inspect and determine its suitability for our troops. In crossing the war torn earth to the dugout, I saw numerous bodies littering the field. Most of these bodies were of departed German soldiers; this was not due to an overwhelming victory on our part. We were permitted to bring our dead back. The Germans had no such luxury for the dead cannot carry the dead.

     We reached the dugout, physically no worse for wear. After a close inspection we determined the place suitable for our troop’s occupation. As officers, our belongings were not long behind us. We decided to stay as a sign of good faith to the regular army men and bunkered down for the night. As I lay down and closed my eyes to rest, what felt like a wave of the lightest electricity washed over me. For a time I sat idle, believing the strange sensation to be a settling of the nerves that would soon pass. When the sensation did not cease and instead gave way to a series of thousands of pin pricks, my eyes flashed open. I sat in a sea of lice. I arose almost in panic and brushed most of the vermin off. None had penetrated my clothing. Of that, I was thankful. I visited our medic and asked if there wasn’t something he could give me to repel the creatures. He prescribed an ointment and gave me some pills to help me sleep. I returned to my bed roll and after applying the ointment liberally, and taking twice as many pills as I ought to have, I dozed off. Within moments the lice had renewed the attack and seemed only invigorated by the ointment.

    I awoke to screaming. I rose quickly to see what caused the alarm and was struck dumb by what I saw. I had lost my dugout and was standing in a field in which war was breaking out as it never has on this earth. Men of the strangest assortment of sizes were clad in armor and wielding every sort of sharpened weapon imaginable. Swords and spears, daggers and axes were being wielded with such a deftness that does not often grace our modern society. In fact if it ever graced our civilization, past or present, I would be amazed. What seemed like legions of these men, ranging from average height to what surely must have been dwarves, and if one looked carefully a people of even smaller size, almost that of half a man, could be seen fighting for their lives. The creatures they fought were almost too horrible to imagine. With sickly green flesh, mangled teeth, and eyes fixed with madness, they lurched like a sea of venom against the men. Both men and creatures were falling at an equal rate. As one group would seem to gain a lead, the other would redouble its efforts and gain the field once again. Men falling to beasts and beasts falling to men, it went on for what seemed an eternity. One of the green, evil, fanged creatures saw me standing alone and seemingly defenseless. As he began his charge towards me, I went to my sidearm. To my horror it had vanished. I had so set myself as the onlooker of this terrible battle that I had not seen the mortal peril I was in. The beastie lumbered toward me with great strides, carrying what I could only describe as a scrap of wickedly sharp metal, and when he came close enough to strike he went for my throat. In the moment that I was to acquire my first and last taste of death I was saved by the tiniest of happenings. A fellow of no more than a meter or so in height appeared as if swept there by some unseen force to bury his blade into the bowels of the beast. After slaying the brute and promptly removing his sword he turned to me and gave me a look I will never forget. In his eyes were so many uncertain feelings, feelings of joy, hope, of pain and despair, of battles won and lost and friends found and fallen; it was the look of a man who has seen the truth of the world. I waited for a word, a statement, a scream, a roar, anything that would let me know who or what this little man creature was, but instead he did the most uncommon thing I have ever seen. He smiled, turned, and charged back into the fray to join his friends, all of which seemed unbelievable glad to see him. Before I could begin to contemplate this any further a great thundering began in the lines of the men, dwarves, and tiny man creatures.

    Within moments, a great white light began to form on the side of the men. As it came together it formed into the shape of what I can only imagine God would look like: a being of immense age and knowledge yet living untouched by time. Joined by a small gathering of every kind of warrior on the side of the men it marched across the field as if to deal the final blow to the horde of grotesque creatures. I found myself wishing with all my might that this would be the case. As the figure was about to deal an earth shattering blow that surely would have changed the tides, a wisp of black appeared, then a flame, and then a shadow began to loom over the battlefield. As if from the dark hearts of the creatures themselves a being of fire and shadow emerged from the air and collided with the brilliant figure of the men. It roared, and raged, and bellowed fire and darkness across the field enveloping all those in its path. From within this darkness emerged a blinding light echoing from the form of the figure in white. The darkness receded and the two sides seemed to be holding their breath before the final plunge. The creature of fire and shadow roared, the white god stood shining brilliantly in the sun, and then the world crashed in around me.

    I awoke, feverishly, to being shaken by my fellow officers. The lice, after their feast, had left me with an illness and an enduring fever. I had the vaguest recollection of what I had dreamed, but within minutes none of the details remained. No, that is not quite right, I did remember one thing. I could not get the image of those small men out of my mind. Why such a small people would be participating in what I vaguely remember to be an extremely important battle, I did not know. I began to ponder how a person of that stature would see the world and I must admit I have become rather obsessed with the idea, in the way that someone who is suffering amnesia obsesses over their memory. I just couldn’t seem to let it go.

    The war is not nearly over but I do imagine that if and when I return home I will still have plenty to think about concerning these most unlikely adventurers.


    Battle of the Memories by Jeremiah Sater

    Jeremiah Sater


    Battle of the Memories

    Explosions rang out all around the man. Rifle in hand, he rushed across the battlefield, his closest friends and family beside him. A noticeable, but indescribable difference appeared between him and his companions. Multiple explosions impacted the ground around him, knocking him to the ground. Crawling forward, he stopped behind a small hill. His comrades dropped to the ground around him, each holding rifles and other assortment of weapons.

    Peering over the hill, the enemy remained unseen. Only the explosions showed they remained in the distance. An elderly woman moved across the hill toward him. “Hold on. Don’t let go. You are so close.”

    Standing up, he began to run again, his comrades close behind once again. The woman started coming closer, before an explosion hit the ground in front of her. Never stopping, the man continued to move forward as the smoke revealed the woman gone. Another explosion knocked the man off his feet again, but he managed to remain balanced to continue forward.

    An elderly man ran forward, knocking him to the ground before another explosion blasted the earth behind them. “Keep your head up. Eyes forward at all times. Mind open, don’t forget. Don’t let go.”

    Getting back to his feet, he began to run again. Stumbling, pain shot through his legs, but he ignored it. The words of the woman and the man resonated through his mind. He couldn’t let go, he couldn’t forget. Forward, he must go forward. As the old man continued behind him, an explosion originated from the ground, blasting him from existence.

    His other friends and family began to spread out around him. Each wiped off the battlefield by random explosions. The man dropped to the ground again, holding his arms over his head, his body filled with pain. Looking ahead, a bright light reached his eyes. Struggling to his feet, he began to run as his legs went numb. Dropping to the ground again, he pulled himself forward by his arms as multiple explosions blasted the area around him. Most of his family and friends now lay dead or disappeared off the battlefield.

    A young woman dropped to his side. Helping him to his feet, she pushed him forward. “Go! Don’t forget! Reach the light and hold on!”

    The feeling returning to his legs, he propelled himself forward as the young woman disappeared in a cloud of fire. As he grew nearer to the light, an explosion blasted the ground behind him, propelling him into the ground in front of the light…

    “Hello, my name is Dr. Stevenson. You are in a hospital. What is your name?”

    He stared up at the man in the gleaming white clothes. “What? Who am I…?”

    Always Them by Amanda Hart Miller

    Amanda Hart Miller

    Always Them

    (Previously published in Apeiron Review)

    Little girls can be stolen, especially a little girl with sad, heavy-lidded eyes and a too-small jacket, a girl who carries a stuffed unicorn in the crook of her arm and rubs it against her lips again and again. She waits all alone at a bus stop by a patch of winter-gray woods. The few houses on the street have cardboard taped to the windows and junk on the porches. To put a bus stop here, Johnny feels, someone must have been asleep at the wheel.

    Johnny has been watching her now for 41 school days. He marks off the days in his notebook, which he then tucks away. Johnny’s head doesn’t work as well as it used to, so he can’t remember these things unless he writes them down. He writes other things about her, too:


    Girlie has ribbons in her hair today but they fall out she keep putting them back in. Girlies hair don’t cover that bruze. Girlie got candy bar today. Girlie stares and stares at the moon this morning I want to be there too Girlie.

    On his most daring of days, he trills a bird call and she turns around to see nothing because he’s behind the trunk of a big tree. He rests his cheek against the bark and listens to his heart scurrying back down his throat.

    He wears trash bags and rides his bike along the main drag in what is a small town. People say it’s because his wife got burned up in a house fire and he went crazy. He’s written this down. He doesn’t remember that happening, but he does remember lying with Bea after love, her skin silky and scented like almonds and sex, don’t ever leave me but he doesn’t know where she is now. And sometimes he remembers the men under the overpass tying him up and lighting him on fire Ooh-wee… he’s lit up like a Christmas tree but usually this stays deeper inside him in someplace that can’t be remembered but eats him up just the same.

    Girlie sometimes tries to trick him, he thinks. She brings chalk and draws pictures on the sidewalk, and she works on them so hard that she has to press her lips together tight so she can think, but suddenly she’ll look up quickly, at his tree. The mornings are getting darker, though. It will soon be the longest night of the year.

    After the bus comes and takes Girlie away, he copies her chalk drawings into his notebook. She mostly draws hearts and flowers, and he likes to pretend she draws them for him. When he copies them into his notebook, they are for her.

    On January 20th, the sky is much more gray than white. A van pulls up to the bus stop. When the man inside puts down the window and says something to Girlie, she stands up from her drawing and cocks her head. She takes three steps back from the van, and Johnny feels like he’s one of the tiny hairs on her skin—just as bristled and scared. She takes another step back and then looks toward Johnny. He forgets to hide because he falls into her eyes for years before she looks back to The BadMan, who is opening the van door until he, too, sees Johnny.

    The man shakes his head and mutters something angry that Johnny can’t hear. The van purrs as it rolls away.

    Girlie is smiling at Johnny, thin lips closed and dimples showing. Now there’s this thing linking them, hurtling him through a rabbit hole of jittery nerves so he comes out the other end pumped and fretting at the same time.

    The bus comes then and Girlie gets on. He can see her through the window, through her clothes to her skin and even deeper, to her heart sending all that blood around, and even deeper than that, to what it all means. The world has always been just the three of them: Girlie and The BadMan and this block of flesh that is Johnny’s to place between them. With trembling hands, he pulls out his notebook.

    Escape from the Siren’s Lair by Stephen Barber

    Stephen Barber

    Escape from the Siren’s Lair

    The ancient who first told the story of Athena’s birth from the skull of Zeus must have had a hangover like this. I may not be the mythic god-king of Olympus, but I surely feel a tiny enraged person trying to burst forth from my head. My mouth feels like it is lined with a particularly old and ratty carpet, and my stomach is a churning maelstrom of cheap booze and chicken wings.

    As the world became clearer in the morning light, I realize that the smoke stained, floral print wallpaper and wrinkled pink bed sheets were unfamiliar. There was also a gently snoring creature under the covers to my left.


    What had happened? How had a quiet night of libations at the Badger’s Den led me to these odd surroundings? Who or what is this comatose form lying next to me, and for the love of God, why am I naked? All of these thoughts bounced around my already aching skull. Recollection of the night before was still fuzzy; my brain was trying desperately to shift out of first gear.

    There was something about Popov and a hint of shame but a more complete picture was not quite forming. An investigation of this sleeping being under the covers next to me was in order. I leant over and pulled down the sheets to reveal the sum of my indiscretions.

    Oh unmerciful Bacchus, what hath you wrought upon me!

    The naked wrinkled visage of the Badger’s Den’s most storied and reviled barfly, DeDe, lay before me, a woman old enough to be my mother and in no way the sexy Miss Robinson type. If Helen of Troy’s face could send a thousand ships, DeDe’s distorted mug could sink twice that number.

    With this jarring discovery, my synapses began firing and the mortifying memory of the night before began to invade my tortured mind. What began as a quiet evening of beer and billiards had turned into a debauched foray of plastic bottle vodka and reckless abandon.

    While the vile liquid was disarming my inhibitions, DeDe had closed in like a hungry wolf to a wounded lamb. With a devilish toothless grin, she put her hand on my lap and asked if I could buy her a drink. Unlike wise Odysseus, I veered right into the siren’s boulder-like breasts. The unmercifully vivid memory of her telling me that I looked like a young Marlon Brando before slamming me into the cigarette machine and latching her gaping maw onto my mouth flooded back. I was not even spared the recollection of how her tongue was the flavor of bubble gum martinis and halitosis.

    I began to shudder as the fuzzy details of the events after we stumbled back to her dingy apartment materialized. How she grabbed my crotch with a level of aggression that would have made Michael Jackson uncomfortable. It then proceeded to a coital experience comparable only to being caught in a fat, drunk crocodile death roll.

    The decision to flee came quickly; I snuck into the bathroom, finding my crumpled clothes. Glancing at the mirror, I saw that my neck was covered in hickeys that looked like they must have been created by some sort of industrial vacuum. After leaving the bathroom, I went to make my final escape, only to be met with a sight of abject horror. DeDe had awakened and positioned herself between the door and me. Her whole shamelessly bare body jiggled menacingly.

    She gave me a leer so filthy that it encrusted my very soul with its profane grime. Before my terrified mouth could make words, DeDe turned around, put her hands against the door, and jutted her megalithic ass towards me.

    “If you want to leave, you’re going to have to unlock my door with your key one more time, honey.”

    Vomit began to swell up my throat as I stared into the infernal abyss stretched open before me. Wildly looking about, I could see that all the windows had bars and that I was trapped. There was only one option left, and it certainly was not to use my “key,” as DeDe so euphemistically put it. I let out the war cry of a man who had nothing to lose and charged with all my might into the bovine buttocks blocking my path. With a tumultuous crash, the weight of DeDe’s vast carcass splintered the door from its frame, sending me tumbling to my freedom.