Tag: hannah-copenhaver

Freshman Year by Hannah Copenhaver

Freshman Year by Hannah Copenhaver

Hannah Copenhaver

Freshman Year

That first trip my heart was racing.
When I signed the papers my dad was pacing
It was my first chance to be out on my own,
and I couldn’t wait to leave home.

When I left there were tears,
but I had no fears
Although, it was hard leaving my mom in despair,
for I was separating a pair.

My dreams were finally coming true.
I was playing softball for a Division Two.
My smile was like a radiant beam,
I was about to start living the dream.

Those West Virginia autumn-fields were nice.
For this Pennsylvania native, they would suffice.
I was so happy to be in a new place,
it was a great change of pace.

New friends were easy to make,
I knew going there was not a mistake.
I did not regret my decision at all,
I was getting an education and playing ball.

After the fall and winter,
the spring went a lot quicker.
My classes were exhausting my brain,
but my teammates and love of the game kept me from going insane.

Few finals stood between me and summer.
If I failed them it would be a bummer.
My grades finally arrived,
and I realized I had survived.

I was dying to go,
so dad and I hit the open road.
I was no longer on my own,
I was on my way home.