Tag: anxiety

“Anxiety” by Victoria Carter

“Anxiety” by Victoria Carter

Dear anxiety,

I once knew you as innocence creeping up my spine. I saw you as a deranged smile upon this face. Now I know you are the poison filling my veins, the dark side of peace, and the one thing that keeps me from believing. But I know you aren’t there, because you only exist in my faded mind.


Dear anxiety,

Go away. I hate that you keep me breathing. I hate that you keep me from believing. But I know you’re there, because I see you when I look in the mirror. You feed off my emotions, and cling to my fear. So…


Dear anxiety,

Let me live my life. I don’t need you guiding me. I only need you behind me. Don’t look me in the eye. Don’t feed me your lies.


Dear anxiety,

I’m gonna get well.