Tag: announcements

It’s Official: Hedge Apple 2020 is Live!

It’s Official: Hedge Apple 2020 is Live!

If you chose to peruse the pages of Amazon whilst in search of new reading material, and then decided to enter in the search bar, “Hedge Apple Magazine,” it is entirely possible that our Spring 2020 issue would come up. That’s right, folks – it’s live!

I want to once again thank everyone who submitted their work this spring, especially those whose pieces made our print issue possible. This was not my first time as an editor, but it was by far my most integrated and expansive experience with the position thus far, and that has a lot to do with the submissions we received, all of which were special and enlightening in some way.

So give yourselves a pat on the back – we have all created something wonderful here (and in the time of a pandemic, no less)!

Thank you for everything, and may summer treat you well.


Lucy Kiefert, Spring 2020 Editor – signing off

Spring Submission Deadline

Spring Submission Deadline

Hello there,

We are currently in the final stages of assembling our print issue, and as the end of the semester nears, as does the end of our submission season.

The official end-of-year deadline we’ll be honoring at this time is April 22nd — after that, we will be closed for submissions once again. We encourage you to take this weekend, above any other weekend, to finish up any pieces you’d previously planned on submitting and get them into us. The material we’ve received this year has been truly special, and we’d love to receive more, even if it’s down to the wire.

We thank you & hope to hear from you soon!


The Editors

And the Second Theme is…

And the Second Theme is…

It’s about that time: our second issue, While the World Burns, is officially in the works!

The goal of this theme is to ruminate on the worldly tension we are all undeniably feeling at this time — arguably, now more than ever, as near-worldwide quarantine takes place in the hopes of COVID-19 prevention.

You can take this as literally or as figuratively as you like, as is the case with all of our themes. But given the extra time you likely have inside, we would love to hear from you, whether that be through writing or art.

Get writing. Get creating. You’ve got time.

We hope to hear from you soon.


The Hedge Apple Team

A Quick Update

A Quick Update

Hello again,

Two things:

  1. Our first round of submissions (dating back to April 2019) are currently being finalized, meaning that many authors anticipating decisions should be receiving them soon. If you do not receive a response next week, it likely means that you are in the next round to be reviewed. We’ve received so many wonderful pieces, and whether we’re able to include you or not, we thank you deeply for putting yourself out there and considering us on your journey to getting your works published.
  2. The deadline for our first Spring issue, Return of the Roar, has officially been set at March 5, 2020. If you still have pieces (writing and art alike) that you’ve been meaning to send in to us, we encourage that you utilize this weekend and early next week to do so. We would love to hear from you.

We thank you again for your participation and support!


The Hedge Apple Team

And the First Theme is…

And the First Theme is…

It is with our utmost excitement that we reveal the name of our first theme for the Spring 2020 Hedge Apple: Return of the Roar.

For this issue, we are seeking submissions that do any of the following: Reminisce on the past decade, peer into the upcoming decade (can be in an optimistic or pessimistic manner), allude to the other ’20s (1920s, that is), and characterize our current time, culture, and position in the world. We are embarking on a new decade, but what does that mean? And how does it relate to what we have seen in both the recent and distant past? What will embody the 2020s? What do we have to look forward to (or stay very far away from)?

It’s the ’20s again! Get creative, get honest, get roaring. We hope to hear from you soon.


The Hedge Apple Team

Editor Introduction

Editor Introduction

Hello, readers!

As the second week of the new semester slowly comes to a close, I thought it might be best to introduce myself.

My name is Lucy Kiefert and I will be the editor-in-chief of the Hedge Apple for Spring 2020. I am currently completing my final semester at HCC and, as I do so, I will also be in charge of online and print duties for the magazine from now through May. Needless to say, I am very excited to come into contact with you all over the course of the coming weeks as submissions continue to roll in. Having the privilege to partake in others’ art (of all kinds) has always been deeply refreshing and inspiring to me.

To offer some guidance for anyone who plans on submitting to our issues this semester (Themes to be announced in the next few days!), below are what I consider to be my editor expectations as well as my personal writing/reading aesthetic. I hope it sparks something in you — perhaps, even, a new piece will come out of it.

Happy Writing! I look forward to hearing from you.

— Lucy

EXPECTATIONS: Much of what I derive my vision as an editor from has to do with how much heart I can detect in someone’s work. Oftentimes, if I’m reading something and it feels half-baked or simply thrown on the page without much care for how it sounds or what it illustrates, I lose interest — if the author can’t even seem to care about what they’re saying, it does not come naturally to me to want to do that for them. Additionally, unconventionality, uniqueness, and insight are just a few characteristics that can make a difference for me as an editor. Overall, this is what I would ask of any submissions I get: that they’re thought out, with passion behind them, sent in by writers who — no matter what it is that they’re writing about — devote themselves to that idea. I want work I can get behind, throw my support into, and be able to spend a chunk of time editing if I have to simply because I believe in it. If I can connect with the author’s intentions in some way, and sense the power in what they’re trying to create, whether it’s through a beautifully worded line or a vivid image, then I consider the piece successful. And I’d be more than likely to include it.

AESTHETIC: Anything grimy, gritty, glam, grunge, sweeping, flowing, dynamic, vintage, rustic, raw; catching a bullet between your teeth; the happy in the sad, the sad in the happy; the dark in the bright, the bright in the dark; things meaning a little more to you than they probably should; a single second stretched into an eternity; nighttime; the importance of where you are, how it looks, and how it makes you feel; heat of the moment; kicking over the table; screaming just because you want to; whining about everything and calling yourself out for it… but then choosing to own it instead; romanticizing things that never even happened; feeling like a phony… but then choosing to own it instead; accepting that you’re rather small and the world is rather big (but believing all the while that something is undeniably waiting for you out there); there is no such thing as coincidence (This was meant to happen.); putting together what absolutely should not go together (But it works, doesn’t it?); chaos and peace are not mutually exclusive; sifting through everyday occurrences for some sort of meaning and coming up empty, doing it again and coming up with your hands full; seeing the beauty in the mundane and the ugly and the terrible because we’re writers… and so there is beauty in everything… because there has to be.

Now Accepting Submissions

Now Accepting Submissions

Hello again!

We are pleased to inform you that Hedge Apple is officially open for submissions for Spring 2020. Themes have yet to be decided on and announced, but in the meantime, do feel free to send in any pieces you feel are eligible to be published on our site or in the coming issues.

Thank you for reading, and we hope to hear from you soon!


The Editors

Hedge Apple is live!

Hedge Apple is live!

Dear readers and contributors,

The Spring 2019 edition of Hedge Apple magazine has been officially submitted to Amazon direct publishing!

Contributors: expect your complimentary copies to arrive in the next two to three weeks.

Everyone else: Once Amazon’s review process is complete, the magazine will be available here!

In the meantime, stay tuned for more posts on a slow summer release.

It’s been a wonderful ride. Thank you all for being a part of it.

—The Hedge Apple Team

Spring ’19 Submission Window Closing

Spring ’19 Submission Window Closing

Hi, all!

This is just a quick but important announcement.

Though we do love reading each and every submission we receive, our tenure as Spring editors is nearly up. Our focus has shifted to presenting, here on our website, all the great work we’ve received since the beginning of the year as well as producing the Spring 2019 print edition of Hedge Apple.

Starting after 12:00PM EDT tomorrow, Saturday April 20, 2019, we will no longer accept or consider any additional submissions for the Spring issue of the Hedge Apple.

The Hedge Apple will remain closed until a new host of student-editors take residence in, by the very latest, Spring of 2020.

Thank you all for reading, considering, and submitting. On behalf of the Hedge Apple we wish you luck in your future creative endeavors and hope that you all enjoy the summer.

Also, keep tabs on our website! We’ll continue publishing on (or near) the daily for as long as our supply of stories, poems, and other fabulous creative works lasts.

Thanks again for a great Spring.

Best Wishes,

The Editors