Pernicious by Robert Beveridge
is the split
wrist, the licked
blood. Fingers
pressed to lips, taste
of copper,
feel of oil.
is the way the cells
crave. They die
with the numb force
of need. Fed, though,
they continue
content, satisfied.
You kiss
the knitted scar
that holds my wrist.
I yours.
This is the exchange,
the fluid commerce
between our mouths,
our lungs, our legs.
This is what we are,
what we will be,
transitive creatures
that flow, amoebic.
We ingest exercise,
starvation, give forth
what strength we can.
We circle
in this cycle
of anemia,
this thirst
for liquid essence.
We are the halves
that fuse to whole,
become the Rounded Man.
This has a name,
a term. It is
we feast
on one another,
break skin, sup,
are satiated.
is the split
wrist healed.
We go forth,
Robert Beveridge (he/him) makes noise ( and writes poetry in Akron, OH. Recent/upcoming appearances in Medium Chill, Mulberry Literary, and Remington Review, among others.