Clarity by Michelle Dean

Clarity by Michelle Dean

Michelle Dean


A life together hand in hand,
shattered by the dishonest man.

Sacred vows disregarded,
selfishness of one leaves the other brokenhearted.

The truth she found set them free,
free from the lies he told and the reality she was too blind to see.

Robbed of perfect harmony,
jaded by an immoral creature who’s merely charming.

The heart he breaks will eventually heal,
someday a new love will erase the pain he made her feel.

She wipes her tears away and waves goodbye,
never again will this noxious man make her cry.

Deep in her heart the memories remain,
in time bitterness fades and forgiveness is obtained.

The faintest sound in the night keeps him awake,
conscience reminder of his mistakes.

She sleeps peacefully no longer wide awake,
God will forever determine her fate.

Love can be bitter or sweet,
for what you sow you shall reap.

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