Category: Poetry

Indecisiveness by Michelle Dean

Indecisiveness by Michelle Dean

Michelle Dean


A conflict between who I know I am and who I think I should be
So many paths yet none totally fulfilling
A constant battle in my mind I wonder if I’ll ever be free

A desire for stability pulls me in one direction
But my mind has no compassion for my heart
My soul screams to take another route because they have no connection

Seeking on the outside what I lack on the inside
A compromise is nowhere in sight
How can I achieve my desires when they don’t coincide

Following my mind I’m going through the motions
All the while my heart feels eternally torn
Only through writing do they let me express my emotions

A Moment in Time by Natasha Patel

A Moment in Time by Natasha Patel

Natasha Patel

A Moment in Time

Can you believe I just used to walk by?
Couldn’t take a moment to stop and say hi.
Continuing on with the life I await
Not knowing I just walked by my soul mate.
Wandering blind for my missing component
If only I had stopped and taken a moment.
The universe brought you to me
Fate can be a funny thing as you can see
If it weren’t for this moment in time
I would not be living in this infinite divine.

Power Struggle by Hannah Kastelein

Power Struggle by Hannah Kastelein

Hannah Kastelein

Power Struggle

Thirteen years of isolation, thirteen years of learning.
Thirteen years of mother, brother. Thirteen years of yearning.
Springfield Middle, here I come! Boarding the bus for the first time.
Giggling, smiling, looking friendly, eager for approval.
The bus smells of rotten cheese and pubescent boys who forgot deodorant for the first day.
Hot, sweaty bodies packed three or four to a seat.
Different music I’ve never heard before. It scares me.
A blue sign greets me at the door with the odor of more cheese…
How do these girls get their hair like that? What are they wearing on their face?
First day of volleyball tryouts. People will like you now.
Suiting up in tiny spandex, fancy shoes… Where are the shorts?
Tall girl, just like me! Maybe she will be my friend. Beautiful curly hair, mine is huge and limp.
Is she making fun of me, or should I laugh, too? I feel her glare burn into my head all day.
She’s good. I’m good, too. I make the team. But wait… who didn’t?
The pretty girl who’s best friends with the tall girl. Nobody likes me now.
Freak, Weirdo, Ugly, Gross. I’m shunned.
Everywhere I turn I see the backs of everyone else. Lunch alone. Free time alone.
Partner work. Alone.
Time goes by.
Sophomore year of high school, I’m still living in her shadow.
Pretending to get by, pretending not to be hurt. Pretending to like her.
No longer volleyball, it’s in basketball she intimidates.
Coaches see my potential. That feels good.
One day, it’s no longer a game. It’s me and her, one-on-one. Proving on the court who’s the best.
Everyone stops. I feel anger, real anger. I’m no longer afraid. This is what I’ve wanted.
I feel her push me and punch me from behind, like so many other times.
I push back.
The ball is between us. I see her eyes, full of something I haven’t seen before.
We’re on the floor, I have the ball, she can’t have it. I will no longer let her take what is mine.
Her arms are wrapped in mine, fighting for the ball, fighting for me.
I twist and turn. She’s lost; I’ve won!
But wait, she jumps on top of me, knocking the wind from me.
I realize I’m bigger, I’m stronger. And she is gone.
Lifting myself and her up in the air, dropping her back on the floor with a thud and a groan…
It’s my turn to feel power.
Twenty minutes of sweat for three years of struggle.
Everyone’s mouths hang open in shock and awe. Respect is mine.
Hannah Kastelein stands above. Hannah Kastelein is her own.

That Night by Nicole Gaylor

That Night by Nicole Gaylor

Nicole Gaylor

That Night

I was innocent,
But you were desperate.
All of my feelings of ecstasy from that day
Were wiped away in that very moment.
I now stumble about in pain and sorrow.
I writhe in anger and grief.
I am being smothered by mental agony.
That horrible night keeps me floundering in my sleep.
My friends say it is distant in my past,
But I am haunted every day of my life.
I will not forget you until I die.

Shall I Compare Thee to an Idiot!? by Landon Grove

Shall I Compare Thee to an Idiot!? by Landon Grove

Landon Grove

Shall I Compare Thee To An Idiot!?

Why can you not drive in your own lane?
Move it, buddy. You moron!
You cause everyone in traffic great pain.
I wish you would fly off the road and be gone!
Sometimes you merge right
Without using your light.
Why did you take I-95?
These massive trucks are awful enough.
I’m lucky to be alive!
My exit is finally here; I can lose this jerk!
My day has been terrible since I got up for work.
Oh no! Why? Why? How can it be?
You’re taking the same exit as me!

I Dream of a Head-On Collision by Anonymous

I Dream of a Head-On Collision by Anonymous


I Dream of a Head-On Collision

I dream of a head-on collision.
That moment when you cross the yellow line.
The rumble strip isn’t enough thrill anymore.
I debate which vehicle is worth my time.

I desire the unfortunate death.
To hear people claim I went before my time.
To look down on strangers at my funeral.
To hear the cliché condolences that rhyme.

I ponder which vehicle will pain me the most.
I hope my father hears of my crash.
I want him to know something tortured me more than him.
I wonder if the pain will trump that of my past.

I consider which automobile reminds me of adolescence.
That will be the one I hit.
Those years were a car accident in themselves.
An unaccompanied journey in a tunnel unlit.

I contemplate other ways to die.
Too vain to inflict pain upon myself, unlike you.
Too subtle to hang myself, though,
Who I’d address the suicide note to, I knew.

I focus on the present.
My discomfort around men, my mistrust for mankind,
I owe it all to you.
I’ll show my gratefulness in due time.

I reminisce on all my achievements in life.
Never were you there.
Not for honor roll, graduation, college,
Because never did you care.

If you could only see how I’m driving right now,
You’d wonder how I ever got my license.
You weren’t there for that achievement either.
You missed all my big events.

Who am I kidding? Mom isn’t that great either.
She steals every cent I have.
She neglects me for the daughter she did want.
I just look at life and laugh.

When she hears about my death,
She’ll pretend she loved me true.
But she’ll ridicule me afterwards
And sell all my belongings too.

So, mom, here’s to you.
I’m doing 70 on the back roads, but it’s not fast enough.
I know without my income, now,
It’s going to make things tough.

And if and when you read this, you’ll deny every word.
Your compulsive lies are truly one of a kind.
I can’t wait to look down on you, as you cry for the media
And take the credit for my brilliant mind.

All this suffering you two have put me through, and still it’s not enough.
I need to fill this emotional void with something far worse.
I shall let this speeding, moving-van determine my fate,
For something more detrimental than you must put me in a hearse.

I yearn for that tragedy to strike upon my life.
I reach 90 by the upcoming curve.
Then I focus on my friends and my independent success.
I approach the truck at 122, and I swerve.
Because I swear, that’s a fate that only those two deserve.

My Heaven by Lauren McGill

My Heaven by Lauren McGill

Lauren McGill

My Heaven

It’s midnight, and I fight to stay awake just to watch you sleep
My life is now filled with unbelievable beauty
My life is now filled with you
I must not wake you, but I want to hold you tight in my arms

I am in awe of you
The way your hand rests softly upon your pale cheek
The way your chest rises and falls with each breath you take
You are a miracle

I listen to the melodious sound of your heart beating
Now I can imagine loving someone unconditionally
Now I can imagine a future with you
You are my child, my world, my heaven

Free by Shannon McCullough

Free by Shannon McCullough

Shannon McCullough


Four, it’s easy enough—
Piggybacks and enormous hands
And a mother’s comforting touch.
Outwardly, one could understand.

Fourteen, big hair, and L’Oreal lashes,
Wondering aimlessly around the mall,
Searching for love, but loneliness attaches.
Darkness begins to fall.

Twenty-four, a merry-go-round thrill,
Staring at these tiny faces; they are counting on me to win.
Insecure, relying on my own will,
Hearing the silent screams arise again!

Thirty-four, haunting recollections,
Numb, still, intense dire straits.
Hit my knees! Make a wise decision!
Tangling with hate!

Fresh air, new eyes—forty plus!
Thank you, God, for believing in me!
Walking tall, using your crutch,
You have set me free!

A Tortured Soul by Stephanie Eberly

A Tortured Soul by Stephanie Eberly

Stephanie Eberly

A Tortured Soul

She stands alone,
Abandoned in a sea of doubt.
She crouches,
Facing the waves that mercilessly beat her.
Her foundation crumbles as time tears it away.
She is nothing but a shell of her former self,
Left to face the ghosts of her past.
She stands motionless.
A monument to all that was and all that is.

She is like an abandoned castle,
Left to face Mother Nature alone,
Majestic, yet slowly caving in,
Surrounded, but alone in its shell.
The halls that were once filled with people
Now stretch out in an empty expanse.
The rooms that were once richly adorned
Now contain mold and spider webs as decoration.
The walls snap and crack as wave after wave crashes.
The concrete foundation begins to wear away.
There is no worker to repair damages.

There is no caretaker to remove the weeds.
The castle is alone,
Surrounded by the timeless air of past events.
History imbedded into the structure,
Broken walls, and shattered relics
Are all that remain of the former glory.
Only time will tell how the days will end,
As the ocean fiercely erodes
The cliff where the structure stands.

But one thing is certain,
History cannot be undone.
Like an ancient castle clutching a lonely cliff,
She is an anachronistic monument,
Evidence of past choices, past mistakes,
Of things that cannot be forgotten.

What’s done is done.

Just One More Time by Dana Sterner

Just One More Time by Dana Sterner

Dana Sterner

Just One More Time

It’s been a lonely road—away from you
Things I’ve done—things I’ve seen
I’ve often thought of you
I miss you now more than before
I miss the things you once hoped for
What I’d give—just one more time
To see you smile
To know you’re proud of what I’ve done
To know the struggles I’ve overcome
Thoughts of you carried me through
The lonely times away from you
What I’d give
To hear your voice, to listen close
The things we’ve missed—we’ll never know
What would have been if you were here
Talking together through the years
The countless joys they’ll never show
What I’d give
To share with you just like before
Time claimed you in your younger years
But in my sorrow I have grown
And thank you now—for what is clear
What you gave I’ll always have
But what I’d give—just one more time
Just one more time—to have you here