Submissions for the 2025 Issue are Closed!
A huge thank you to everyone who submitted a piece to our Labyrinth and Lost in Love issues! The submission period is officially over, and we will be in contact soon with your results!

A huge thank you to everyone who submitted a piece to our Labyrinth and Lost in Love issues! The submission period is officially over, and we will be in contact soon with your results!
Thank you for all your creepy submissions to the 2024 Halloween contest! Our Halloween contest is now closed. Winners will be announced here on our website the week of Halloween.
We are still open for general submissions! We will also reveal our 2025 theme very soon!
In the meantime, happy creating!
Hedge Apple Editorial Staff
“(Avoiding) Conversations with My Room” by Sulayman Saye
“Stranger Comes to Visit in a Strange Way” by Yan An, Translated by Chen Du and Xisheng Chen
“Deleted” by Ken Goldman
“The Kuwaiti Soccer Ball” by Josephine Thomas
“Connect the Dots” by Sydney Hagen
“Forever” by Lennox Zhao
We are also now open for general submissions. Check out our submission guidelines for more details. The 2025 theme will be announced in late September.
The Hedge Apple Magazine received a flood of amazing work for our Once Upon a Dream Spring issue. There are so many talented creators and wordsmiths that ignited a fire in our hearts and brought the theme to life on every page. We hope you enjoyed each delectable piece as much as we did!
Once Upon a Dream may have come to its end but our dreams continue to flourish into endless possibilities. Let your subconscious run amuck with creation and give way to inspiration. Creation breaks down walls and allows a stranger to see a glimpse into the heart of another; that is one of the reasons it is so beautiful and subjective to perception.
“Practice any art, music, singing, dancing, acting, drawing, painting, sculpting, poetry, fiction, essays, reportage, no matter how well or badly, not to get money and fame, but to experience becoming, to find out what’s inside you, to make your soul grow.”
— Kurt Vonnegut
The tremendous support from the community and even those around the world means so much and we hope to see you again next time. Thank you again for the continuous support of Hagerstown Community College’s humble but incredible magazine.
Submissions open back up in the fall for our Halloween contest so keep an eye out and please consider participating.
The Once Upon a Dream Magazine is available now on Amazon and in the college bookstore.
Best wishes,
Sarah Fitzgerald, Editor
Until March 1, we are accepting entries to our Spring edition of general and themed prose, poetry, and mixed media submissions.
While we are lovingly embracing entries now and answering questions as available, please keep in mind that all other responses will not be available until after March 1st. For more detailed information on how to submit, please visit the submission guidelines.
We are very excited about this edition and know that you will love it as well.
Hey there, Reader!
As the spring semester begins in defiance of the multiple feet of snow falling on Hagerstown, the Hedge Apple welcomes its three editors for this year. Alaina Conaway, Carmen Andrade, and Laura Jeu eagerly await your submissions. They all have quirky personalities you can read more about under our Masthead.
As they excitedly make their way through your work submitted from May 2020 through today, we are delighted to announce February’s themed call for submission: Self-Love Letters! What do you love about yourself? What would you write if you were trying to woo yourself? Write it down and then let us know!
We are still accepting general submissions, too! Details about how to submit and what most entices our editorial taste buds can be found under Submission Guidelines.
New themed calls for submission will drop right here, so be sure to check back often!
Thanks for reading,
The (Spring 2021) Editors.
If you chose to peruse the pages of Amazon whilst in search of new reading material, and then decided to enter in the search bar, “Hedge Apple Magazine,” it is entirely possible that our Spring 2020 issue would come up. That’s right, folks – it’s live!
I want to once again thank everyone who submitted their work this spring, especially those whose pieces made our print issue possible. This was not my first time as an editor, but it was by far my most integrated and expansive experience with the position thus far, and that has a lot to do with the submissions we received, all of which were special and enlightening in some way.
So give yourselves a pat on the back – we have all created something wonderful here (and in the time of a pandemic, no less)!
Thank you for everything, and may summer treat you well.
Lucy Kiefert, Spring 2020 Editor – signing off