Author: The Editors

Lilacs By Luke Samra

Lilacs By Luke Samra

Take me in before the frost

Fragrances in a vase

That slowly fade

Winter is a crime

Spring, so full of plants

Summer doesn’t have enough time

And Fall; our last chance

Luke Samra is from Kalamazoo, MI.  His work appears in: The Tipton Poetry Journal, FishFood Magazine, Local Gems Press (Bards Against Hunger), The Charleston Anvil and Flying Island.  Luke is a tennis instructor and musician.

Threads of Glass By Aileen Pepple

Threads of Glass By Aileen Pepple

I open my eyes and the first thing I perceive is the unsettling moonlight slipping in through the cracks between the filthy, navy-blue curtains. Pushing myself up from the dusty, certainly bug-covered floor, I take in the room around me. Large pieces of the wood flooring have rotted away or been viciously pulled up to create dark pits that bring out my anxiety. Peering into the darkness burrowing into the heart of the abandoned house, some feeling tells me that if I were to jump I would hit a dirt floor where two graves had been dug. Leading out of the living room I stand in, two framed doorways reveal a kitchen and foyer with a raggedy staircase leading up to the second floor. Eventually I notice the peculiar wind chime hanging from the ceiling between the doorways. Thin threads hold up shards of multi-colored glass that scratch each other in a breeze that I don’t feel. I move towards the hanging glass and reach out, mindlessly running my finger along the edges of one of the longer, magenta-colored pieces.

Lainey, be careful! I hear his sweet little voice arise from the back of my head. Not all of my memories from my childhood come back, but some of the missing pieces I never wanted to be recovered find their way to me at last.

My voice cracks as I speak. “Why am I back in this house?”



I can hear the sadness underlining my little brother’s words. “You promised me you wouldn’t forget, but you did it anyway.”

My eyes water and my face flushes as I turn around.  “Danny, none of this is real. You are not real. I-” He stills appears as his seven-year-old self, the age he had been murdered in this very house by him.

From what I can remember, our parents used to go on monthly, week-long business trips together, although they never told us where or why they went. During these trips, they had our Uncle D’lester babysit us. Our uncle was known to have anger problems and questionable tendencies by nearly anyone who had met him, but I don’t think our parents ever thought he would hurt either of us. Yet, he did and had been doing so for a long time. That last night, my little brother saw how our uncle hurt me and, in seeing the bruising on my arms and legs, he tried to protect me. Uncle D’lester pushed him too hard. Danny’s body slumped between the floorboards and the walls as a small pool of blood started to trickle out from the back of his head. Our uncle turned back to me and bashed my head so hard into the wall behind me that it knocked me unconscious. After that, I woke up in a hospital with one of our neighbors holding my hand, my parents missing, and my brother dead.

Danny stands before me with swollen cheeks and the bruising and dirt covering his small form still clearly visible. “Danny, please. Our uncle is dead now. I got rid of him forever. Our fear should be gone.”

Danny looks up at me and tries to dry his tears with his sleeves, but it doesn’t help. He speaks in a much older voice now, how I think he would sound if he had lived to the present. “You don’t remember! You don’t remember, Lainey! You are still in danger! Over these years, I have heard you try to convince yourself everything happens for a reason. Well, that is true, but not always do they happen for good reasons. Sometimes the reason why things happen is because evil exists.”

“Stop!” I shout. “I just want this to end! Why did you bring me back here!”

Suddenly he seems frozen as he stares just over my shoulder. “I didn’t.”

“Then who did?”

A shiver runs through me as the light behind me in the foyer flickers on. The silhouette of a man holding a small knife and a woman holding onto his arm stretch across the floor boards beside me. They speak in unison. “Hello, sweet daughter.”

Aileen Pepple is an English/Theatre major. Her passion is for creative writing with a focus on horror and science fiction. One of her major dreams is to write and direct a series of horror short films, using all the knowledge she has learned at HCC. 



Creature Comforts By Valentina Cano

Creature Comforts By Valentina Cano

Webbed appendages would be useful.
I might, with them,
be able to dart through the folds
of traps you’ve laid in the room.
I might speed away
from the words that ricochet like shrapnel.
Propelling myself through the waves
of fuselage into the deadest of seas.

Valentina Cano is a student of classical singing who spends whatever free time she has either reading or writing. Her works have appeared in numerous publications and her poetry has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and Best of the Web. Her debut novel, The Rose Master, was published in 2014 and was called a “strong and satisfying effort” by Publishers Weekly.

Invention on a Theme By Mark Mitchell

Invention on a Theme By Mark Mitchell

A raft of keys

fanned out

across your desk,

each one built

for some door somewhere.

You know

about locks,

tumblers, picks,

but you won’t go

to that black room

until you

make a guess

you can’t take back.

She will stay trapped—



No riddle

needs to be solved

but your certainty

must go.

Leap or fall


Burn your books

and forget how words mean.


Random notes

dropped for you to read:

The keys

guard staffs

and open melody.

She waits

for her own theme

to rise,

for you to sing

in spite

of your untamed voice.

Doors will swing


paths appear

but you may orchestrate


She arrives,

hearing what she sees.

Mark J. Mitchell’s latest novel, The Magic War just appeared from Loose Leaves Publishing. He studied writing at UC Santa Cruz under Raymond Carver and George Hitchcock. His work has appeared in the several anthologies and hundreds of periodicals. Three of his chapbooks— Three Visitors, Lent, 1999, and Artifacts and Relics—and the novel, Knight Prisoner are available through Amazon and Barnes and Noble..  He lives with his wife the activist and documentarian, Joan Juster and makes a living pointing out pretty things in San Francisco.

A meager online presence can be found at



Bubbles of Deletion By Richard King Perkins II

Bubbles of Deletion By Richard King Perkins II

Tonight seems rigged to be nearly endless—

highly deceptive minutes

a jangle of black fabrication

crouched and trembling.

It’s sad that you’ll never be able to transcend your suffering;

you’re just not that good at being human.

Folding blissfully

you’ve become the force you refuse to believe in—

and you don’t understand it;

why spring became excited when you entered the world

taking advantage of you by the thoughtless sea,

your bright neck and your reckless idiot breasts

and still you value the most fantastic lies

and misadventures of mind.

This was my idea—

the gradual wriggling of darling, thumb-like things

I built it all on my own

and if I love you it’s only because you’ve given me

fleeting access to your introverted visions;

an atmosphere of no resistance

unleashing five toe-swept vivas

into the emptiness of space

bubbles of deletion bursting in your brain.

Richard King Perkins II is a state-sponsored advocate for residents in long-term care facilities. He lives in Crystal Lake, IL, USA with his wife, Vickie and daughter, Sage. He is a three-time Pushcart, Best of the Net and Best of the Web nominee whose work has appeared in more than a thousand publications.


Watching, Waiting By Katelyn Hogue

Watching, Waiting By Katelyn Hogue

2:52 A.M. All it took was one sound. One unexpected sound, and I could feel the air shift around me. So quick, but so important. One unexplained sound and she awoke, surely frightened. Her body now lies rigid and alert, but only seconds before curved naturally in blissful sleep. That’s fine. Mistakes happen. Sounds happen. I wait, calm, sure that soon her eyes will tire and her body will sag, comforted by the warm air and the trusted silence. I wait, 3:05 A.M, but still, for over ten minutes, her demeanor does not change. Smart girl. She trusts her instincts. Most would pacify themselves with hopeful reassurances until their frightened bodies fold organically back into their mattresses, but not her. She heard me, and she knows it too. For one instant in the confusing in-between where reality and fantasy converge she heard me, and the voice now telling her to relax her ever-beating heart is not loud enough to silence her instinctual need to survive.

3:07 A.M. I breath silently, in no hurry, and completely willing to let her take as much time as she needs. The sun will not be up for hours. I have plenty of time.

3:21 A.M.  I long to move, but I stand perfectly silent. When I close my eyes, I can hear her internal debate. One voice pleads with her to look around the room, worried for what may be lurking in the shadows. Another voice, either fear or reason, tells her to go back to sleep and scoffs at the childish fear of monsters waiting in the darkness. I lick my lips and smile. It’s a shame how many times “don’t be stupid” outweighs “just to be safe”…

I want her to look at me. I desire it with an incredible lust I can’t fully explain. Just look behind you I tell her silently. So few ever do. Searching for me, looking at me means facing fear itself. That’s what I want. That’s what I love. It makes the game so much better.  After all, no one wants to hunt a dead deer. Those who have the courage to peer into the darkness, to confront man’s fear of the unknown live to fight another day, and I, I resign to the shadows, euphoric and satisfied. We both win when they’re brave. With vigilant, hungry eyes, I study her, aware of everything; the woosh woosh of her fan, the chill in the air, the faint scent of cinnamon. I watch and wait for a twitch or a hint of movement, something that tells me she is willing to confront me. I hold my breath in anticipation. No matter what she choses I will get something what I want. So I watch and wait for her.

3:36 A.M. I watch her sag, convinced that the sound she heard was the wind, not real, or some other excuse made from her tired mind. I shake my head, almost making a tsk sound, but I don’t.

A hint of a smile flicks across my lips. I’ll enjoyed killing her, but I can’t help but feel a little disappointed too as she has, unknowingly, surrendered to me, and sadly, she will not get another chance, another sound, to save herself.  I take a silent step towards the bed as I reached for my knife. Long. Thin. Sharp. Slow. She’ll know soon that she was right, and it was foolish of her not to check on me. Perhaps that will be her final thought.

Katelyn Hogue is a student at Hagerstown Community College.

Keeping Her Alive By Matthew Longerbeam

Keeping Her Alive By Matthew Longerbeam

they had known married life

for many years

had grown old together

grown used to each other

grown apart

they hardly needed to talk


so they rarely did


he would complain that

she always had plenty

to say

when the game was on


to his mind

never anything important


she loved knitting,

working in her garden,

cooking, and

taking care of her house plants,

that he felt crowded the kitchen

he hated those damn plants


his devotions were

scotch and soda,

Tony Bennett on vinyl,

and baseball on tv

then one day

she was gone


after the funeral

his grown daughters

carried away most of her things

he figured she would have

wanted it that way


he sits alone at night

he no longer drinks

she always hated his scotch

he still watches baseball

but he cannot concentrate

on it anymore

he tries to remember

all those silly things

she talked about


he sleeps on her side of the bed now

walks the house in her robe

watches all her favorite shows,

shows he could never stand


most importantly


he waters

those damn plants

Matthew Longerbeam is a native of Maryland. He was a victim of violent crime in the 1990s and has spent most of his adult life in recovery. Matthew is currently working on a degree in Human Services at HCC and lives in Williamsport, Md with his wife Tabby and his cat Hobo.




the question of how

inanimate organic molecules

engaged with each other

to produce

what we refer to as life

is unanswered –


even though I know

enough math

to balance a checkbook

and my sense of balance

keeps me from toppling

and I’m cognizant of

my neighborhood

so that I can

get myself home

from anywhere

in the vicinity

even when drunk –


there are two elements at work here:

how I came to be

and what I do with my being


one involves the structure

of crystals such as DNA

the other can instinctively

place one foot after the other –


lab experiments

or the smell of my breath in the morning –


they’re closer

than you think

John Grey is an Australian poet, US resident. Recently published in Examined Life Journal, Studio One and Columbia Review with work upcoming in Leading Edge, Poetry East and Midwest Quarterly.

Ephemera By M. Stone

Ephemera By M. Stone

Venus sinks in the west:

citrine snagged on twine

as it follows the sun.


Green glass insulators

separating long-dead wires

on the old telephone pole


catch day’s last light,

and a crow hovers,

covetous of the gleam


while a planet mistaken

for a star slips from sight.

M. Stone is a bookworm, birdwatcher, and stargazer who writes poetry and fiction while living in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in San Pedro River Review, Star 82 Review, UCity Review, and numerous other journals. She can be reached at


Story By Richard D. Campbell

Story By Richard D. Campbell

He fell in love the first day he saw her.

She entranced him with her natural beauty.

She was only in a friends’ picture,

but from that moment on she was always in his dreams.

His friend told him that he knew her well;

he would introduce him to her this weekend.

For the next few days he planned his moves.

He had to know exactly what he was going to do.

Finally his dream would come true.

His friend was taking him to her place.

The drive seemed to take forever,

but he could feel her getting closer and closer.

Eventually the trip was over and the adventure began.

Her presence was absolutely breathtaking.

He spent the entire day with her.

She made him laugh, she made him cry.

He was having the best time in his life with her,

then something special happened.

They were having an emotional moment;

his hands were sweaty, his knees were shaking.

He knew he was unprepared and it could be disaster.

The outcome could be unwanted or it could be glorious.

It broke his heart, but he could not continue.

It would not have been right to go on.

He always imagined that his first time would be perfect and natural,

but something made him very cautious.

He knows he should use protection, even though it may get in the way

or lessen the intensity of reaching climax.

He has to be prepared emotionally and financially,

if something goes wrong, or if he doesn’t know when to quit.

He would like to hang on to her forever,

but he could never be strong enough; he has to let her go this time.

His friend tells him that it was a tough call,

but it’s better to be safe than sorry.

She wasn’t upset, it didn’t bother her at all.

She knew he’d be back again someday, just like all of the guys before him.

They keep coming back every weekend just to be with her.

Everyone thinks she’s really special,

even though hundreds of guys have caressed her.

You can see that the hands of time have had their way with her,

but she hasn’t worn out,

because she has a heart of stone, and no one will ever take it away.

Not even our hero will succeed in this task.

He may eventually have his way with her,

but he will never change the way she is.

Even if he takes her solo the next time they meet,

he hasn’t conquered her, only himself.

So, if by chance you get to meet her, remember to give her some respect,

or you may become just another rock climber

who let her slip through his hands.

And, she will be there waiting for another adventure to begin,

since she’s not going anywhere.

How can she?  Mountains are always grounded.

 Richard D. Campbell is an Assistant Professor of Mathematics who started teaching at HCC in 2004.  Professor Campbell has written stories and poems since grade school.  Over the years, he has  had several neat experiences that have molded him into what he is today.  Here is the short list: rock climbing, working for the family firewood business, spelunking, participating in decathlons, visiting Ireland, coaching sports, getting a negative score for his improv performance, ice climbing, marrying an English teacher, working as the Hagerstown Suns videographer, buying a new Saturn and driving it for 20 years, graduating from Bucknell University, playing semi-pro football, being the father of two boys, working for an engineering firm that improved the design of crash test dummies, being inducted into the National Darts Hall of Fame, and guarding the secret recipe at KFC.