Author: The Editors

Morning Fog by Sandy Coomer

Morning Fog by Sandy Coomer

Sandy Coomer is an artist and poet. She is the author of three poetry chapbooks, including Rivers Within Us (Unsolicited Press). Her art has been featured in local art shows and exhibits​,​ and has been published in literary art journals such as Lunch Ticket (Antioch University Los Angeles), Varnish, The Wire’s Dream Magazine, and Inklette, among others. She lives in Brentwood, TN

The Trees of the Talmud by Jacqueline Jules

The Trees of the Talmud by Jacqueline Jules

“If you have a sapling in your hand and someone tells you the
Messiah has arrived, first plant the sapling and then go out to
welcome the Messiah.” – Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai

Talmud sages
cite the old man
cheerfully planting
a carob tree, unbothered
by the seventy year wait
for the chewy pods
fondly recalled from youth.
Nevermind that a carob tree
yields in seven years, not seventy—
the Talmud and the Torah
don’t offer logical numbers.
Only advice to plant first
and welcome the Messiah later.
To put every sapling in the ground
without counting how many years
before you or your children taste fruit.

Jacqueline Jules is the author of three chapbooks, Field Trip to the Museum (Finishing Line
Press), Stronger Than Cleopatra (ELJ Publications), and Itzhak Perlman’s Broken String, winner
of the 2016 Helen Kay Chapbook Prize from Evening Street Press. Her work has appeared in
numerous publications including Cider Press Review, Potomac Review, Inkwell, Hospital Drive,
and Imitation Fruit. She is also the author of 40 books for young readers. Visit

Light by Aaron Tagg

Light by Aaron Tagg


Aaron R. Tagg was born in Hagerstown, Maryland, and still lives there. He has a few hobbies, including: drawing, photography, and listening to music. He is a Graphic Design Technology major at Hagerstown Community College. He will receive an associates degree in the spring of 2018. After community college, he plan to further his education by transferring to a four-year college. Besides graphic design, he is also very enthusiastic about his photography. He primarily enjoy photographing ordinary objects in unique and abstract ways.

Miro 04 by Alex Nodopaka

Miro 04 by Alex Nodopaka


Alex Nodopaka originated in 1940, Kyiv, Ukraine. Speaks San Franciscan, Parisian, Kievan & Muscovite. Mumbles in English & sings in tongues after Vodka. He propounds having studied at the Ecole des Beaux Arts, Casablanca, Morocco. Presently full time author, visual artist in the USA but considers his past irrelevant as he seeks new reincarnations.

“Contrails” by Sandy Coomer

“Contrails” by Sandy Coomer


Sandy Coomer is an artist and poet. She is the author of 3 poetry chapbooks, including Rivers Within Us (Unsolicited Press). Her art has been featured in local art shows and exhibits​,​ and has been published in literary art journals such as Lunch Ticket (Antioch University Los Angeles), Varnish, The Wire’s Dream Magazine, and Inklette, among others. She lives in Brentwood, TN

“Translating Tener” by Jacqueline Jules

“Translating Tener” by Jacqueline Jules

In English, I say
“I am afraid,”
using the verb
“to be.”
En Español,
Me tengo miedo,
using the verb,
tener “to have.”
I have fear.
If you translate literally,
ignoring the notion of idiom.
Subtle difference,
but enough to question
if fear could perhaps be
something I possess.
To leave under the bed
or carry like bricks.
Mine. Mío.
Something I could lose
if I didn’t hug it so tightly
against my chest.

Jacqueline Jules is the author of three chapbooks, Field Trip to the Museum (Finishing Line Press),
Stronger Than Cleopatra (ELJ Publications), and Itzhak Perlman’s Broken String, winner of the 2016
Helen Kay Chapbook Prize from Evening Street Press. Her work has appeared in numerous publications
including Cider Press Review, Potomac Review, Inkwell, Hospital Drive, and Imitation Fruit. She is also the
author of 40 books for young readers. Visit 

From the Heart By Matthew Longerbeam

From the Heart By Matthew Longerbeam

her parting kiss

fell soft upon my lips

and with no hesitation

although I knew the separation

to be of short and temporary nature

a frosting covered my heart

as though a spring blossom was suddenly

withered within a February chill

my soul cried and I………………



She kissed me goodbye

And that feeling

That certain lousy feeling

It hit me


And there’s no name for it


It is that feeling a western hero

would feel

Should he draw down upon

an evil foe

Only to find his holster filled

with emptiness


The sensation that would

befall an astronaut


and with no remaining

means of  navigation


And I have yet to find a word

that truly fits it


But whatever one may call it

It is a lousy feeling

Making one aware that

a part,


the most important part

of you

is missing

and that’s

the way I feel

every time

she kisses me


Matthew Longerbeam is a native of Maryland. He was a victim of violent crime in the 1990s and has spent most of his adult life in recovery. Matthew is currently working on a degree in Human Services at HCC and lives in Williamsport, Md with his wife Tabby and his cat Hobo.


Study By John Grey

Study By John Grey

Fourth coffee, seventh book,
apartment looking down on train-track,
knowledge’s cruelty frozen into wrinkles,
his friends tried to convince him
that ignorance is inviolate
but with a lot of cramming
he may yet know these things.

Clock strikes midnight.
Legend has it that,
math and literature
dissolve into dust motes
at such an hour –
but no, he’s the one who fades,
or is it Pip, dissolute, broke,
or planar right angles in spheres.

He whispers in Romeo’s ear –
“Stay with me.”

H begs Hipparchus
not to bail out on him
but it’s sleep that walks
his streets of London,
that incorporates complex numbers.

His head falls down
on a makeshift desk.
In the morning,
he awakens with a stiff neck,
tired, and feeling a fact or two shy
of total ignorance.
So he makes coffee.
Opens another book.
Luckily, today
there’s no math, no lit,
just a character test.
Pass this

and who says he won’t pass these others.

John Grey is an Australian poet, US resident. Recently published in Examined Life Journal, Studio One and Columbia Review with work upcoming in Leading Edge, Poetry East and Midwest Quarterly.


Remember Your Birth By Fabrice Poussin

Remember Your Birth By Fabrice Poussin

Staring at the Milky Way in a dream of ecstasy
he thought only of the sweet nectar
of days long gone.

Mixing the oils once again on the firmament
she teased while the paint dripped
tiny drops into planets.

Orion floated her hair of stars and flames
burning the irises of a young heart
sparks shattered the silence.

Slender as a ray of infinite light he craned his neck
to reach the pregnant celestial bodies
for a single taste.

Blinded in desire, dissipating all senses into dust
swinging her magic wand like a mace
she saw him beg.

Softly her essence caressed those pitiful lips
he trembled in his shriveling shell
and sweetly he died.

Fabrice Poussin teaches French and English at Shorter University. Author of novels and poetry, his work has appeared in Kestrel, Symposium, The Chimes, and dozens of other magazines. His photography has been published in The Front Porch Review, the San Pedro River Review and more than 350 other publications.

Wistful By Phoebe Anthas

Wistful By Phoebe Anthas

Here, one of seven and a half billion,

hung nebulous and tiny in a sea of wild mysteries,

scattered broad through the purple ink

of ancient vastness, like bird seed flung wild,

I stand, and learn, as if it was something new,

how to walk free in my own skin.

How to balance on the tight rope of such uncertainty

as a gyrating rock round a fire ball

made mostly of hydrogen.


And I behold my apple size world,

With its yellow splash of happiness

gleaming through the frozen white rain.


How small can I get–   and yet, how large–


There is that within me,

not of bones and dirt,

that calls to the flaming vastness,

yearning for the stars

as one does for that which is most familiar

yet which they have lost.

I spread these hands wide,

hoping against reason and science

to hold it all close once more.


And the stars shall come, I suppose,

when I least expect them.

Come as a dream,

softy, then all at once.

My little hourglass broken,

sharp shards glinting rainbows.

And they and I shall fly together,

When the cage door is opened

and the dove of my heart escapes.

01 • 14 • 2018

Phoebe Anthas is a 22 years old, a dreamer, artist, poet, and a student of human nature in the classroom of the world.