Author: Amanda Miller

Following My Dream by Brian Auth

Following My Dream by Brian Auth

Brian Auth

Following My Dream

As a child I would act and play,
in hopes of what I would become someday.
A fireman, a cop, a doctor or dentist,
sometimes I see myself as a great pianist.
Whatever I am or whatever I am not,
I will keep on trying and I will never stop.
Hard work and determination is all I need,
to follow my dreams and to succeed.
Never give up and never take no,
I tell myself where ever I go.
I have reached graduation; I have found my way,
to be the person I am today.

My Father by Kim Hildebrand

My Father by Kim Hildebrand

Kim Hildebrand

My Father

My father’s love is something, I hold dear
Never will it drift, like a boat at sea
Kept in my own heart, it drowns out my fear
And though he is gone, he lives on in me

Every day I miss him, this does not fade
While time eased my sorrow, my scars remain
Two sisters’ and my mom too went away
Buried by my father, together again

All this death over eight heart-wrenching years
A family of seven, is now three
Myself, a sister and brother, our tears
God, for unknown reasons, chose my family

Therefore, dad was right when he said to me,
“God’s plan will unfold mysteriously”

Untitled: She is of my flesh… by Michael Swope

Untitled: She is of my flesh… by Michael Swope

Michael Swope

Untitled: She is of my flesh…

She is of my flesh,
She carries in her, my blood.
The apple of my eye,
I hate to see her cry.

Her life may be a struggle,
Her glucose is always changing.
Four times a day she must prick,
Three times a day she must stick.

She is as tough as nails,
She is as smart as a whip.
What she does not know,
Are the lengths her daddy will go.

Her age is almost twelve,
Yet her burden is quite large.
I would relieve it if I could,
Any good father would.

My wish is to see her happy,
My dream is to see her thrive.
I want to watch her grow,
I hope that I am first to go.

Freshman Year by Hannah Copenhaver

Freshman Year by Hannah Copenhaver

Hannah Copenhaver

Freshman Year

That first trip my heart was racing.
When I signed the papers my dad was pacing
It was my first chance to be out on my own,
and I couldn’t wait to leave home.

When I left there were tears,
but I had no fears
Although, it was hard leaving my mom in despair,
for I was separating a pair.

My dreams were finally coming true.
I was playing softball for a Division Two.
My smile was like a radiant beam,
I was about to start living the dream.

Those West Virginia autumn-fields were nice.
For this Pennsylvania native, they would suffice.
I was so happy to be in a new place,
it was a great change of pace.

New friends were easy to make,
I knew going there was not a mistake.
I did not regret my decision at all,
I was getting an education and playing ball.

After the fall and winter,
the spring went a lot quicker.
My classes were exhausting my brain,
but my teammates and love of the game kept me from going insane.

Few finals stood between me and summer.
If I failed them it would be a bummer.
My grades finally arrived,
and I realized I had survived.

I was dying to go,
so dad and I hit the open road.
I was no longer on my own,
I was on my way home.

There Comes a Time In Your Life by Katelyn Goodnough

There Comes a Time In Your Life by Katelyn Goodnough

Katelyn Goodnough

There Comes a Time In Your Life

There comes a time in your life
when you are care-free
and you crave for adventure

When you start to notice
how beautiful the little things in life are

When you are ready to move on
and run towards your dreams

When someone is going to tell you
that you are not strong enough

When you fall down to your knees
and wonder why life is so hard

When you look around and see
all the little things that are still beautiful

When you finally realize that
you could die at any minute

There comes a time in your life,
when you decide that there
is only one thing that will stop you

Storm Brewing by Sara Martens

Storm Brewing by Sara Martens

Sara Martens

Storm Brewing

He could not look away from her eyes. They were kaleidoscope eyes, too complicated a hue to be named, encompassing every shade of blue with just a touch of gray; a storm now darkened those tumultuous depths and rain fell. Guilt ripped through him and rain wet his face, the tempest in those eyes, striking him deeper than any words. No longer could he deny the unspoken word reflected in her eyes: Goodbye.

Alone in the Night by Bonita Levy

Alone in the Night by Bonita Levy

Bonita Levy

Alone in the Night

Walking through the night,
couldn’t see a thing in sight,
my mind started to play games,
And I realized things would never be the same.
Lost in complete despair,
for I thought you would never appear,
I realized then I was not alone,
for I saw you sitting on your throne,
and now I know I will never be alone.

Fire by Maria Edmonds

Fire by Maria Edmonds

Maria Edmonds


Destructive burning me down

I hold my own hand through the fire

in search of the firebreak that delivers from evil




I fell in the firebox in cower

Trapped under the fingernails stretched out

from the devil’s hands


Screaming with no sound

Clawing with no nails

Clinching with no teeth

Clinging with no tightly strong emotions


The firewall presents the dead end

Dressed with the illusion of deliverance


Evil sits and taunts

mocks and insults

with the fingerbowl contents > deliverance


I keep falling in cower

Tangles in flames


No tight strong emotionless

Dressed and on display

Suffocated in tangled flames


Clawing through the cower

To believe

Evil dilutes tangled flames to deliverance


Inadequate supply dictating

Pointless hands of mine I hold

Occupied by myself


And I missed the talon


I fell again through tangled flames

I missed the ride to deliverance

Deliver me, Deliver me from evil

Bandaids Fix Everything by Sarah McCullough

Bandaids Fix Everything by Sarah McCullough

Sarah McCullough

Bandaids Fix Everything

Mommy seems sad today. She didn’t make my favorite waffles this morning. She just helped me get a bowl of Froot Loops and she forgot to pack my lunch box for school. She didn’t even blow me a kiss when I got on the bus. I was wishing all day that she would be happy again when I came back, but she was still sad. I gave her a hug and a kiss when she got me off the bus, but she was still sad. She didn’t ask how my day at school went, like she always does. I even helped her make dinner today, but she is still sad now. I am hoping that when Daddy gets back he can help Mommy feel happy again, because I don’t know how, but I know Daddy knows how.

Me and Mommy are just watching TV now. It’s six o’clock, so that means SpongeBob is about to come on. I like SpongeBob the best. I want to cuddle with Mommy, but she is not doing a very good job today. She is staring at her feet.

I hear the door open, so I run to Daddy and tell him hi. He is more happy than Mommy. He picks me up and gives me a big hug and asks me what I did today in school. I tell him, and then I whisper that Mommy is not in a good mood. I ask him if he can cheer her up because I can’t, and I just want to cuddle with her when we watch SpongeBob. He says he will try his hardest. I love Daddy.

I go back to sit on the couch again with Mommy. I love her too, that’s why I want Daddy to help her. I hop up onto the couch with her and I see that she is crying now. I wish she would not cry; she is starting to make me sad now. I ask Mommy what is wrong, but she says that she is okay. I know she is lying to me. She told me before that lying is bad, so I say, “Lying is bad, Mommy.” That makes her cry even harder. I tell her I’m sorry for making her cry and give her a big kiss on the cheek.

Daddy comes into the living room to help. He tells Mommy to stop crying in front of me. Mommy says that she wouldn’t be crying if Daddy didn’t cheat on her. They sound like they are going to fight. That shouldn’t happen. I wanted Daddy to make it better for Mommy. Why would he cheat, cheating is bad. They tell me that if I’m going to cheat when we play Candyland that we are not going to play Candyland anymore.

I don’t like it when Mommy and Daddy yell at each other. Sometimes I can hear them all the way from another room. I really don’t like it when they yell at each other in the same room as me, because it’s scary. Daddy uses the bad words. They are making me want to cry now. They are so loud. Daddy is just making it worse. Mommy can’t stop crying now. If Daddy can’t help Mommy feel happy again, no one can help. I am crying now, because no one can help Mommy feel better.

Mommy tells Daddy to stop fighting because he is making me cry now. Daddy tells Mommy that I wouldn’t be crying if she didn’t start. Mommy tells Daddy about his cheating again. Why did he have to cheat? He told me winning is not that important. He said that nobody likes to play with a cheater. How come he didn’t follow his rule?

Daddy is very angry that I am crying too. He grabs me and tells me to shut up. It hurts my feelings when he says shut up. I tell him that I’m sorry that I’m crying, I just can’t help it. He says that I better stop soon or he is going to be mad. But I thought he was already mad! He walks out into the kitchen, so I crawl into Mommy’s lap and ask her why is he being mean today. She says that he has done a terrible thing, and he is scared that he can’t live here anymore. Why would Daddy leave? They never kicked me out when I cheated at Candyland. Maybe Daddy cheated on a test, that’s the worst kind of cheating.

Daddy comes back into the living room and he is holding something. I think it is a gun. I learned about them from the policemen at school. I didn’t know Daddy was a policeman. I thought he worked in an office with a computer. Mommy tells Daddy to put the gun down. I am right, it’s a gun. Daddy points the gun at me and Mommy now. That’s not nice, the police are supposed to point guns at the bad guys. Me and Mommy are good guys. Mommy is begging for Daddy to put the gun down. I want him to do that too. Daddy says that he loves Caroline. Who is that? Mommy is still begging and then Daddy makes a loud bang with the policeman gun. Mommy is bleeding now. I have to go get her a bandaid.