Author: Amanda Miller

Battle of Pride by Andrew Younker

Battle of Pride by Andrew Younker

Andrew Younker

Battle of Pride

The enemy is chosen,
battle is eminent.
All week, their area has been slandering the name of what we stand for.
No reason for their hatred, just jealously and prejudice towards those who are not themselves.
We seek revenge on the battlefield for their disrespect
and to prove our skills in combat.

We train our troops of selected warriors every day,
until, finally, the day of battle has come.
We suit up from head to toe with our finest gear.
Our leaders rant and rave, holler, and scream orders.
The hour has come; we see them take the field.

We kneel and pray, then we give a war cry.
Encouragement and reassurance is given to all,
this was our war to win today.
We send our best 11 soldiers to the field.
The battle whistle sounds and the ball is placed.
Time for the kick off.

Untitled: Cowboy’s eyes are… by Benjamin Fisher

Untitled: Cowboy’s eyes are… by Benjamin Fisher

Benjamin Fisher

Untitled: Cowboy’s eyes are…

Cowboy’s eyes are dirty water sharp

 when they look right

through you.

            Ahead in the rat race (sic.) fragment

smiles best with a loss

of equilibrium before he hits

the surface. Then tears, but only for a

little while.

            Always fights sleep, peace by piece, as if the

hours can be stopped, broken, rearranged.

Fair hair straight through the eyes can’t

stop the sta[i]res leading to doubt.


Salvation, but mercy will do.

And I, for my part am not afraid when

held by little hands try to trace

the lines of my face; no—to change them.

            Pandora plays another jukebox tune. Cowboy

crawls humbly to his blocks, careless.

I only hope vainly for a moment it can stay that way.

            Second star to the right, no?

The Park by Shawn Curtis

The Park by Shawn Curtis

Shawn Curtis

The Park

The brook went into the pipe
Under the road that has
Swift currents
Maps do not show
Farmhouse on the ancient immortal grass
No street number on the fence post
Alongside the cinder road leading
To the dungeon at the bottom of
The hill before the death of darkness takes hold

This I Believe by Kaitlyne Neiser

This I Believe by Kaitlyne Neiser

Kaitlyne Neiser

This I Believe

I believe everyone is put on earth for a reason
I believe that it takes one good soul to show that there is still compassion in this world
I believe that God is very clever and indecisive about things
I believe crowd pleasers are not really pleased with themselves
I believe in “Do as I say, not as I do”
I believe in being random
I believe I have slight A.D. D.
I believe I am a hypochondriac
I believe in being sarcastic
I believe in being crude
I believe old people are hilarious
I believe we all need one good laugh a day
I believe Led Zeppelin is the greatest band of all time
I believe I could use a beer everyday
I believe Coke is better than Pepsi
I believe in crying whenever your heart is broken
I believe Mr. Right is M.I.A.
I believe a man defending his country should make more than a man defending a football
I believe a rich man is no better than a poor man
I believe no matter what there will always be that one person who can make your heart skip a beat
I believe in natural beauty
I believe yoga pants are the most comfortable thing I have ever worn
I used to believe in fairytales
I believe in what I believe

A Tale So Often Told by Rachael Marion

A Tale So Often Told by Rachael Marion

Rachael Marion

A Tale So Often Told

I gaze upon you from afar
In a castle on a cliffside

Where I can never reside
But where my true heart hides

You, a knight so brazen bold
Caught in histories often told

Sees me outside his cage of gold
Unspoken words, bought and sold

Virtue becomes a question
A debate never to hasten

But a desire that never lessens
May be where truth destines

O, knight so valiant and fair
Take heed and take care

This faire maiden’s curse cries “beware!
Venture close if you dare!”

Shelter Dogs by Casey Coble

Shelter Dogs by Casey Coble

Casey Coble

Shelter Dogs

This was my greatest fear. What have I done to end up here?
I was such a good pet. I loved my family and always played fetch.
Although I have a bad intuition, getting adopted remains my mission.
All day long I sit in this place, waiting for someone to tell me I’m safe.
I often hear different voices and see many faces,
Make me your choice, I promise to never eat your shoelaces.
I’ll love you forever and become your passion, as long as you never use me for fashion.
I’ll support you with all you are pursuing, supply me with toys, I’ll busy myself chewing.
I already know sit, shake and stay, please someone come and take me away.
For this is a high kill shelter. None of us can stay.

I hear someone coming: are you coming for me?
Is this a good person or bad, I cannot yet see.
As a human looks over my way… the time has come, today is my day!
Although I am sad to be leaving my friends,
I pray finding a family is how their stories too will end.
I am so excited to be leaving with you!
Your face looks delighted; I feel brand new.
I gracefully walk right by your side and jump into your car, ready for the ride.
You’re taking me home now. I am finally free!
Please be my “furever” home and share your life with me.