Author: Amanda Miller

Where Treasure Lies by Erin Beardsley

Where Treasure Lies by Erin Beardsley

Erin Beardsley

Where Treasure Lies

Much is lost in a storm from the sea
Treasures of gold hidden in the deep
Those who wander do not find
The treasures of that kind
But the King of the sea
Knows true indeed that treasure of the sea
While they sleep the night is woken
The moon glitters across the sea
Its light bringing new life
That type of treasure is of the King
The true treasure of the sea
Things of the earth will decay
Become broken or rust away
But the true beauty is here to stay
The beauty that no blade can steal
The beauty of the sea

Hidden Behind the Mask by Stephanie Eberly

Hidden Behind the Mask by Stephanie Eberly

Stephanie Eberly

Hidden Behind the Mask

On top of a hill, a girl sits beneath a lonely Willow tree. From afar it seems as though her eyes sparkle each time the sun’s rays reach between the branches. She is a beautiful girl with long dark brown hair and dark eyes. Her clothing is that of any teen these days, nothing unusual. But if one were to walk toward her, he wouldn’t hear a sound aside from the rustling of leaves. He’d try calling the girl’s name, but there would be no response. Pushing aside the flexible branches, the person would realize that she is crying- no, not a loud sob, not at all. Rather, a silent, constant sob, one that could only be noticed if a person were to take the time to see it. She is sitting with her knees close to her chest and with her head buried in them. The person would try in vain to get her attention. He would approach her and carefully lift her head. But what he would see would greatly surprise him. As his eyes would meet hers, he would be brought back to a different place and a different time. He would not see the happiness and smiles he would so expect he’d see. No, he’d see pain, struggle, anguish, and frustration. He would realize that her eyes, they do not sparkle in the sun because she is happy. They sparkle because each time the sun comes through, each tear rolling from her eyes catches the rays, sending out a brilliant shine. Her eyes are a window to her soul, to the struggle that she faces every day. But no one comes up that hill. They may think to offer a glance, but upon seeing a normal girl with sparkling eyes, they move on. The world beneath the hill only sees a happy, average teenage girl, and nothing more. That’s why she chose the hill, where there is no sound but the rustling of the Willow as a gentle breeze hits its branches. The sound comforts her. The old Willow, the breeze, and the sun are her only comforts. She is alone in this world of a million faces- alone to sink deeper into her sorrow. Because no one takes the time to walk up the hill.

Survival by Autumn Gray

Survival by Autumn Gray

Autumn Gray


It’s as if my feet have been drenched in gasoline and my heels are made of sulfur,
After burning every bridge I have had the privilege of walking on,
It’s time to start over.
As I look at my reflection while brushing my teeth,
I see the story of my life written in the lines on my face—
Smile lines given to me by the mask I wear to disguise the voices lingering in my head,
Frown lines above my brow coming from my confused “Why me again, Lord” face,
Bags that showed up at my front door from carrying the weight of held back tears for so many years—
And in that moment I realize that it may be too late. I’m tired of fighting.
Some might say it’s just an excuse not to get up, to get motivated, or to live.
But in my case living has been exhausted, and survival is my main priority.

Wyatt by Michelle Dean

Wyatt by Michelle Dean

Michelle Dean


A spirit so free without a care in the world
Oblivious to the dangers in life
He feels safe in a stranger’s lap laying curled

Oh his innocence is so beautiful
If only it would last a lifetime
A young unscathed precious little soul

The love in his heart he expresses with words
Never knowing rejection he remains vulnerable
His voice so tiny yet so easily heard

Maybe we are the ones who are blind
We teach them even though we need taught
Oh how much we can learn from a child’s heart and his mind

Silent Sentry by David Yohman

Silent Sentry by David Yohman

David Yohman

Silent Sentry

A soldier stands watch in a cold dark place
He looks out on a cold dark night
A lone sentry keeping his friends safe
A chill goes up his spine
He sees movement in the cold dark night
He challenges the intruder from the cold dark place
Only to be pierced by a nameless face in the cold dark night
The soldier lies facedown in that cold dark place
Struck down by that nameless face

Code Blue by Nathaniel Philip

Code Blue by Nathaniel Philip

Nathaniel Philip

Code Blue

Bells ring,
Lights flash,
Sirens blare.
Adrenaline rushes.,
Vision tunnels.
Woman cries,
House fills.
Everything stops.

The automated voice breaks through the silence:
“No Shock Advised.”

Madness starts.
Clothes are cut,
Chest is compressed.
Sweat drips.
For him, we breathe.
For him, we beat.

The automated voice breaks through the silence:
“No Shock Advised.”

Knees buckle,
Tears drip.
Engines start,
Roads clear.
Two bodies left.
One life continues.

Even the voice is silent.

Speed of Light by Aaron Ross

Speed of Light by Aaron Ross

Aaron Ross

Speed of Light

Beating pulse, like a clock in your chest.
It is ticking, ticking like a timed race.
Leading up to this, you’ve found such zest.
But out of time, sweat drips down your face.
Your steadiness: a still and sunny sea.
Hush baby, hush and sharpen your eyes.
Raising your bow, you begin to see,
The eagle’s arrow glide through the skies.
The deer; in arrested flight.
Rustling, shuffling, distant.
Hit with the speed of light, such might, such plight.
No longer nonresistant.
Triumph, like sweet scents of clover.
Breathing, breathing in the air,
As you approach your take over.
Bow still in hand, none can compare.
With no time to spare,
Shame and regret set in like a collapsing chair.