Author: Amanda Miller

My Little One by Rachel Pack

My Little One by Rachel Pack

Rachel Pack

My Little One

I dreamed I’d have a little one who’d never have to struggle,
He’d walk the world with peace of mind and never encounter trouble.
As I held him in my arms at last, this dream flashed through my mind,
His imperfection was made clear which I accepted in due time.

This little life that I created would be tested from day one,
He’d face difficulties day to day and have nowhere to run.
The saddest part about it all is that he’s perfect in my eyes,
Yet others were so critical when he fussed and cried.

It bothered me to know the truth and for them not to understand,
How hard it is to want to speak the words so close at hand.
You see, his tears were from frustration, his brain was not his friend,
He could not express just what he felt; it was so hard to comprehend.

To see how he was suffering just simply broke my heart,
I questioned why my little one was different from the start.
Yet I knew that with some extra love, he would reach his full potential,
He would discover that his voice was there; it really was that simple.

This trial has taught me many things, but mostly to be grateful,
And to remember to be kind because the world can be so hateful.
I hope when he grows big and strong, his imperfection is embraced,
And that his kindness is passed along to make the world a better place.

She Had the Misfortune to be a Woman by Delphine Ngokattal

She Had the Misfortune to be a Woman by Delphine Ngokattal

Delphine Ngokattal

She Had the Misfortune to be a Woman

She had the misfortune to be a woman
In a society that looked cannibalistic
Where the right to kill
Only men had

She had the misfortune to be a woman
Where woman existed only in name
Where they were objects
Where the gods gave
Favors only to men

She had the misfortune to be a woman
In that misogyny society

She had the misfortune to be a woman
To oppose herself against the rock
The men government
Those who to their advantages
Made and unmade laws
She dared to criticize the death of a daughter
Resolved to punish the murderer
The great king
The hero of war
Her husband…

But she had the misfortune to be a woman
She protested against this system
Changed the order of things
Punish the guilty

But her misfortune
She was a woman
Yes! Because she dared
She had to be punished
She had to be killed

Her misery: she was a woman

Metaphor Poem by Stephanie Eberly

Metaphor Poem by Stephanie Eberly

Stephanie Eberly

Metaphor Poem

An ember plants inside your mind,
Its heat smolders,
Leaving a burning desire to grow,
Grow into a roaring fire.

Day to day it slowly enlarges,
Consuming the thoughts that enter your consciousness.
Inspiration kindles the small flame within.
A sudden blaze is provoked,
By a word spoken or a gesture received.

A day passes, two, the flame burns continuously,
Never leaving your mind.
It invades like a thief,
Ready to steal your joy at the slightest upheaval.

The day comes, the moment when that flame grabs a hold of your life,
Its flickering fingers encircle all your hopes and dreams.
Nothing else matters but this one idea.
Without warning, a torrent of doubt washes in.

The thief snatches what you had once held onto so dearly,
And like a flash of lightning — the flame is extinguished.
All hope is lost.
But, what is this? Could it be once again?
A small ember planted inside your mind.

An idea, waiting to be stirred to life.

We Shall Never Meet Again by Angel Stith

We Shall Never Meet Again by Angel Stith

Angel Stith

We Shall Never Meet Again

I remember the day you told me you loved me.
You said my sassiness attracted you,
And that you couldn’t live without me.
I looked right through your past and chose to believe your lies,
Because being with you gave me a sense of high—
A high I’ve never felt before,
Something that I just wanted more and more.
I had a fear that, if I questioned you, I would lose you.
I thought that without you I would be broken,
Like Sleeping Beauty, never to be awoken.
The day I chose to cut ties with you
Is still imprinted in my brain.
My heart was broken in so many ways.
Yes, I was upset; yes, I cried, but in the end, I was able to rise.
I rose past your terror and, for the first time, saw myself in the mirror.
I saw a young girl, who got caught up in a twisted world,
But was back to standing on her own two feet.
If I learned anything at all, my promise is this:
Our last meeting would be our final kiss.

Gone Again by Hannah Streett

Gone Again by Hannah Streett

Hannah Streett

Gone Again

Roku’s fingers drummed on the wooden counter, tapping out the seconds. Once. Twice. Twenty times they repeated the motion, trapped in the rhythm, locked in the impossible task of wearing holes in the surface beneath them.

She hadn’t come yet.

Already sun streamed into the shop, bouncing off the dust hovering in the air and waging war on his eyes. Throughout that glittering mist, at least a dozen people were dispersed, jabbering both to each other and to themselves. Normal day, normal job, normal customers.

Except that she always came before noon. Every day, without fail, even when she had to fabricate something she needed. Every day… except for today.

Roku huffed, straightening as an elderly lady approached the counter. He smiled at her, exchanged a few pleasantries, and traded an armful of food for several cold, clanking coins. She left with a promise to come again, earning Roku a smile of approval from his father. No one doubted that management of the shop would one day pass from father to son.

But Roku only cared that five more minutes had passed with no sign of his friend.

Disgruntled by this break in his predictable and cherished routine, he returned to tap, tap, tapping the counter. If she was trying to drive him mad, she had thoroughly succeeded. He didn’t appreciate being forced to wait.

Resigned as he was, Roku barely noticed as the door swung open furiously. As it slammed into the wall. As hurried footsteps bustled off the street and clattered into the shop. Everyone else glanced toward the disturbance with raised eyebrows, but he didn’t even twitch.

Until someone joyfully shouted out his name.

Roku’s head jerked up. His neck twisted around.

Scattered hair. Bright expression. Rumpled clothes. A young lady, hanging on the doorframe while she caught her breath, training her twinkling eyes on him.

Only on him.

She gave a small, embarrassed smile, pretending like fixing her hair and straightening her clothes would actually return a bit of her dignity. She was so naïve.

But she was Oseki.

And he smiled back.


He couldn’t breathe. He wouldn’t breathe.

Then his fist slammed into the wall, and his lungs gave in with a gasp.

Chest heaving, Roku glared at the floor, growling under his breath. He felt neither the pain nor the relief he expected from his brief, hopeless fight against the wall. No, he was poisoned only by a growing anger at the madness diffusing throughout his life. One thing. He had distinctly planned out one thing in his life, and now it was irretrievably lost to him.

He’d been too slow.

It was his fault.

His fault.

In the back of his mind, he recalled his father’s voice, most of it just a meaningless mishmash of syllables. Just one line kept repeating itself, taunting him, laughing a cruel laugh because he could do nothing. It was the last spoken word he would ever truly care about.

His routine had been disrupted again. Permanently.

She was young. She was beautiful. She was fun. She was friendly. She was happy. She was loyal. She was Oseki.

But she’d never come again.

She was gone.

Taking a deep breath, Roku straightened, leaving his room and brushing past his parents. He saw their relieved smiles, their expectance that he had come to terms with life’s definition of fair. They just wanted him to go back to work—back to acting like the son they loved and adored.

As if.

With a strained smirk, Roku dodged around the counter. Without a single word to a single soul, he marched out of the shop.

Oseki was getting married.

And it wasn’t to him.


Same place. Same people. Same nonsense spewing from his father’s mouth.

“A wife,” he insisted. “You need a wife.”

No one, Roku snarled to himself. I need no one.

He argued at every turn. He rolled his eyes, crossed his arms, poured every ounce of his being into showing his dissatisfaction. They couldn’t force something this ridiculous on him when he was so blatantly against it. Roku wouldn’t believe it. Surely they understood that he would make a horrible husband. That he had no desire to have a family of his own, and therefore lacked to character to do so. That he would refuse to love the woman. That he wouldn’t stay faithful. That he might even abandon her once he had his fun.

Surely they knew these things.



Empty words, empty eyes.

Roku stared at the letter in his hand as he would a blank piece of paper. It meant nothing to him. He didn’t even know why it had come. Perhaps most fathers would like to know about their child’s death, but Roku didn’t bat an eye. She was just a girl.

A silly little girl.

Why should he care? He had dismissed any and all association with his wife and daughter long ago, before he married. Because of his indifference, he never established a real relationship with them, and they eventually went their separate ways. Roku was lost to them. He always had been. He had found a new path in life, and since it caused him far less trouble, he liked it much better.

He did.

Ever so lightly, something pricked the corner of his heart, begging him to acknowledge it. But Roku had long since ceased to care about petty things like feelings.

He spent his days pretending to work, quitting when it bored him. He spent his nights dishing out every spare coin on whatever sensual pleasures were available.

He had abandoned his wife.

His parents had abandoned him.

All because she had abandoned him first.

Clenching his jaw, Roku flung the paper into the inn’s fire, stubbornly watching as flames viciously consumed it. No more evidence, no more truth. No more truth, no more reality. No more reality, no more life.

He had escaped.


She came back.

For a few, blissful moments, Oseki came back to him again. She talked to him. Helped him. But not like she used to, and now she was gone.


Gone again. Gone to the house of some stupid rich man who didn’t care for her, who she didn’t care about, but who she would continue to survive with. She made that much evident. She wasn’t happy, but she would fulfill her duty like a proper woman.

He always had said she was loyal.

Just not to him.

Over the years, Roku had imagined running into her so many times, but none of his fantasies turned out this. Reality was far more basic, far more cruel. They only exchanged news with simple, careful words, pretending they were both content with their stations in life. That was all.

But it still hurt to see her strained face, her hesitance to go home. She was still so young, but just like him, she looked so old.

Now he was walking away, leaving her behind, the same way he did before. Because that’s what was proper. That’s what people did. That’s what was considered right in this situation, and with Oseki, he had always wanted to do things right. After all, there was nothing left for him to do anyway. He had lost, for sure and for certain. He just had to accept it and move on. In walking away from her, he would leave behind everything in his past and never bother with it all again.


He’d accept it.

He wouldn’t look back.

He wouldn’t.

…He turned around.

As I Stand Beside You by Angela Cheshire

As I Stand Beside You by Angela Cheshire

Angela Cheshire

As I Stand Beside You

As I stand beside you and weep
I know you will be getting very little sleep
Yesterday you were as small as the birds
But through the years I brought you upwards
Today as you rock your angel to a hush
Your motherly love will awaken in a rush
He will be like a diamond in your eye
And as bright as the sunlight from the sky
Now you and your son will reach for the stars
Just as he will dream of racing cars
Over the years I taught you to fly
But today I stand here and cry

Anne, the Rest is History by Logan McSherry

Anne, the Rest is History by Logan McSherry

Logan McSherry

Anne, the Rest is History

Reconstruction was finally complete, and the Gilded Age began
Anne lost her husband to wasteful war and sought a new man
Some deemed Anne sluttish, but she sure didn’t mind
Indeed, a woman like her was quite hard to find
She found another lover and bedded him well
Anne’s friends proclaimed she’d burn in hell
These words seemed powerful, but Anne couldn’t care less
She was all-oblivious to this preposterous mess
Anne wasn’t worried about her judgment day
For she conceived it was many years away
Anne and Dan played too much and produced a child
Undoubtedly her life was becoming increasingly wild
If Anne left nothing else for posterity, she left her boy
Unfortunately his goal in life was to annoy
The enmity between them became unbelievably strong
Anne started to ponder what she did wrong
She often debated between killing herself or her son
In Anne’s mind nothing else could possibly be done
Alas, Anne decided to take her young son’s life
She planned on ending him with a crude knife
But Anne slipped on the unswept floor of his room
Instantly meeting her most unimaginable doom
Apparently the wood surface was besmeared with grease
Anne’s thin skull split into more than one piece
The boy hated Anne more than she hated him
He believed his future with her was very dim
Some felt Anne got the fate she deserved
In the boy’s opinion, justice was served
Anne’s son’s life was covered in mystery
Making him the neatest person in history
As emperor, he pillaged and conquered hundreds of nations
Yet he is known for epitomizing poor mother-son relations