A Bed Time Story by Huda Khan

A Bed Time Story by Huda Khan

Stunning, gorgeous,

Allay me with compliments.

Melt my heart,

Pour my mind into elation

Tingling, breathless

Sensations from the marvel of your words

Scuttle down to the tips of your fingers

From when you trace me,

To the moment we were expected to let go

You are a quest; a story to be divulged

My brand new home; with a smell of an old book.

And I am,

Forever yours.


Break Up- Hook Up

I could just lock my eyes,

And go flip into reverse

To a place where I misplace me


Now rather faintly be in a place

Where I can amuse my melancholy

With the same track over and over…


An indulging, grave echo that bawls

From my delicate lashes

And a brakeless stare reminding me


That little voice everyone talks about…

I shut it out that morning

Like you shut me out for months.


But that didn’t matter then

Cause all it was, just you and I

And the 7:30 sun flashing on us through


Though two pieces of the puzzle were put into place,

I could feel the rest of the picture just fall apart and break.

That picture that took me so long to formulate,


The pieces just flew, flimsy, weightlessly.

They broke like a flame dying

And the ashes expel to the sky.


If I feel like I am in the right place,

Then why is everything shattering around me?





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