Our World by Sam Bono

The world engaged within a dream
a made-up world, seen through a seam
Lust, no thought; intense desire
a life result in burning fire
long-lasting taste, a tongue removed
who would have thought,
life unapproved
The poor and rich stand far apart
the poor; no money
the rich; no heart
These wars, the countries, enemies sworn
who to blame, good families torn
Our country built on being free,
Do our oppressors,
Tend you or me?
No thought put into this horrid game
But we all play it so who’s to blame?
Wake up wake up!
But now you see,
This world we live in, is no dream.

Sam Bono is a Freshman at Hagerstown Community College. There he plays baseball and majors in education. He loves going to the beach and hanging out with friends and family.